Firewall Blocked Port 6881


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We are office on a college campus. We found that when connected to campus internet sync no longer functions. We contact the university it department. Explained what we were using and they informed us that port 6881 has been blocked due to students use of bittorrent for "non productive" means.


We intend to use Sync for our business and it is vital that we are able to sync our network of computers across the state. Is there an override or away to get around a port that is blocked?


Any immediate help would be greatly appreciated. 

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No I do not believe so. Will give that a try. Any suggestions on what to change it to?


The problem occurs if we make an edit on the master computer that edit is not being pushed to other computers outside of the campus network. Is the listening port the same as when is used to send?


Or does everything work on a listen method and we are being blocked either way?

Edited by jstokesok
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The listening port is the port that Sync listens for connections from other devices on and then communicates with them/sends/receive data via.


With UPnP enabled, Sync will pick a random port number and attempt to automatically open (map) this on your router/firewall.


If you're behind a college firewall, UPnP is most likely disabled, and you would need to speak to your system administrator to ask them which ports are open/available, and set Sync to use one of those.


Alternatively, if you can explain what Sync is to your system administrator and they understand that it's not a traditional torrenting client for downloading movies/tv/shows, etc, they may be able to assign/open a dedicated port for you to use for Sync.

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