Continuous And Slow Syncing


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Since upgrading to 2.0, even though BTSync says all files are synced, my files seem to sync continuously. Files that are already on all devices keep showing up as syncing in sync history.  As if that is not bad enough, changed files sync very slowly.  For instance, a small file I change on Computer 1 may not sync on Computer 2 for 3-4 hours, even though other unchanged files are showing up as being synced in the sync history.


I should also add that I have many .bts files populating my directories. The .bts extensions disappear once the files sync, but they are present for hours (and sometimes days) before syncing actually occurs.


Any ideas about what is going on here or how I fix it?  As far as I can tell, the upgrade is a mess. Should I toss my entire set-up and start all over again?

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what is your network? what are your devices and sync version on them? what types of files you sync? 

what exactly history says about mistakenly synced files? There should be something like 'peer X updated/renamed/removed file'.

Are these files located in symlinks (in case you use Windows) 


During those 3-4 hours, do you see any up/download speed indicating that syncing is in process? If it's some few Kb/s, the files re not syncing actually. Try restarting Sync or re-adding the files to the folder.


Sending logs for analysis would be perfect 

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Thank you, Helen, for your help.


I have a very simple Windows network. Two computers, no server. I am syncing between a Win7 desktop and a Win8 notebook (and an Android device, but it is not having any issues). Both computers are running BTS version 2.0.93.


History says "remote peer added file ....." for many, many files that have not been changed and are already on the recipient computer. History shows that hundreds of files have been synced this morning, although right now nothing is syncing. Files that have been changed show only as .bts files on each computer or do not show (i.e., new file not synced at all). (I know that I originally said 3-4 hours, but further investigation shows that many files are only showing as .bts and never syncing.) I have read (here) about .bts files being used as 'placeholders' in 2.0 but do not think that is what is going on here because I am not using those settings (e.g. Sync ALL is enabled on both of my machines).


I have no idea what symlinks are, so assume I am not using them. I am syncing only one folder with many subfolders. (The folder has a 1.4 icon next to it.) This setup has worked for a long time, long before the 2.0 "upgrade." I have not added any new folders since upgrading to 2.0. It has been a problem ever since the new version arrived. I have rebooted both machines many times and restarted Sync many times without any change.


This morning, for the first time an as I am typing this, "database error" is now shown under status next to the folder name on my notebook. (Desktop has no such error.) BTS became unsponsive and I restarted it, but the db error remains, although is also says "indexing" and, under 'date synced,' "a minute ago."


Thanks again for your help. From what I have read, this 'upgrade' has been a major headache for many users and I am sure you are working overtime to assist.  Much appreciated!

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 Files that have been changed show only as .bts files on each computer or do not show (i.e., new file not synced at all). (I know that I originally said 3-4 hours, but further investigation shows that many files are only showing as .bts and never syncing.) I have read (here) about .bts files being used as 'placeholders' in 2.0 but do not think that is what is going on here because I am not using those settings (e.g. Sync ALL is enabled on both of my machines).

are they in sync queue on both peer? It's better to send the logs to the team for analysis .


Database error is explained here

the upgrade from 1.4 to 2.0 may be not smooth enough. Try completely reinstalling Sync (including its settings), so that new configs were recreated. 

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Thank you for your help. It took a while for me to find the time to troubleshoot this further but I finally got it working by removing the existing folders and adding 'new' folders. The re-indexing of the folders on my various devices took a long time, but once that was done, all seemed to be working properly.


As you understated, the upgrade was "not smooth enough." While the new cost model has drawn most of existing users' ire, I personally think BT's biggest failing was in not making the upgrade seemless and doing a very poor job of communicating with existing users about the technical portions of the upgrade.


Nevertheless, I appreciate your help.

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