Broken Web Ui? Requests Not Completing


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Ok I'm so frustrated about this, since it further hinders my attempts to solve other problems, that I must know if I am the only one affected and vent off a bit.


I'm using the web ui in ubuntu machines (localhost:8888). Tried with Firefox, Chrome, Opera. It's the same in all of them. Randomly, it seems as if requests silently fail. This can be seen in the following occurrences that are driving me nuts:


(I'm always talking about localhost connections. Over not-so-fast networks the symptoms increase exponentially. Also the machines are mostly idle.)


1) Sometimes, the entire ui fails and I simply get an empty page. Yet, sometimes, after a few seconds it finally shows.


2) When creating a new identity and being offered to scan the QR code, the QR code will not show. If I choose the 'Manually add' option it will show a bunch of javascript after pasting the key and hitting OK, but won't work.


3) Similarly, when attempting to copy the secret for a identity in another computer, many times the fancy (non-text) code won't show. Hitting the 'copy' button won't work in that case either.


4) When adding folders, the browsing file tree doesn't appear. You can still manually type in the text box, but then hitting OK won't work anymore.


And so on. It simply seems as if a part of the requests simply don't go through and fail silently. Once I detect that something hasn't properly loaded I must refresh (F5) the entire web ui and start over, no success guaranteed.


This happens to me in several computers with several browsers, hence I'm very surprised at not having read anyone seeing this. So maybe is some common factor in my computers.

Just happened again while trying to reconnect a folder in a new instance. Attached snapshot.


I think that what should be seen is the file tree for browsing. It doesn't show and the warning sign appeared after hitting Connect.



And, just for the fun of it, there is the example with the javascript guts I mentioned in the FP.



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Thanks for reporting. The first suggestion I'd like to ask you checking if you got your JavaScript disabled. Please check your browser settings and ensure that JS is enabled and no plugins like "NoJS" are blocking it. UI is JavaScript powered, so it is totally mandatory to have it enabled.


(I'm always talking about localhost connections. Over not-so-fast networks the symptoms increase exponentially. Also the machines are mostly idle.)

Do I understand correctly that under "not-so-fast" networks you mean that you connect to WebUI over https via slow connection or something else like remote admin tools?


Also, could you please share exact version of your Ubuntu and browser so we can attempt replication?

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Javascript is active and I don't have NoJS installed. I do have AdBlock and Ghostery enabled in Firefox. No other js based site shows these symptoms though. A plain fresh install of Opera fails similarly (although perhaps less frequently in a short subjective assessment).


With the slow networks I was referring to headless servers which I access through ssh with the 8888 port forwarded. These are in another country so normal internet delay is involved. The btsync instances always listen only to localhost connections. So, basically, I issue:


$ ssh -L 8877:localhost:8888


Ubuntu is


$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch:security-4.0-amd64:security-4.0-noarch:security-4.1-amd64:security-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID:    Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Release:    14.04
Codename:    trusty


Firefox is


$ wajig policy firefox
  Installed: 37.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.14.04.1


Thank you!

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Sure, I can try. But note that I've tried in fresh installs before without any extension.


Meanwhile I've managed to capture a video (in a fresh Opera install, no addons, no Opera Turbo). It shows several instances of the failure.


In the video I have a local new btsync install, and a remote (through ssh) already running instance with 3 folders. I'm trying to link the local install using the remote secret.

At first, you can see in the local instance how the QR-code is missing.

Then, in the remote instance you see several times  (after some initial succesful attempts) when either the QR code is missing or I can't get to the textual secret.

Finally, when I paste the secret in the local instance I get a dump of javascript and no linking.


Sorry for the bad quality of the capture, but I think it illustrates my problem quite well nonetheless.



[Removed video - RomanZ]

Edited by RomanZ
Removed video for security reasons
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