Display New Version?


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Hello, I'm brand new to Bittorrent Sync, having just installed it on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.


I'm having trouble finding a complete explanation of the .conf options.  For example, what is:

"display_new_version": false

or where can I find the doc|man for these options?  I searched the http://help.getsync.com website (and found some information), but could not find a complete list of options or an explanation of this option in particular.


Thanks for your help!

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Where did you get it from and what exactly BitTorrent Sync did you install?


My apologies for the confusion - I actually installed from the unofficial BitTorrent Sync PPA for Ubuntu.  I've discoverd that the "--dump-sample-config" argument from that installation includes outputs some options that are not part of the official release.  I'm still not sure what the "display_new_version" option does.


I'm still working on getting the RPi installation to play nice with peer devices, and am honestly having a little trouble.  I'll keep working on it, but in any case this thread can be closed as the original question does not really belong here.


Is this the definitive|complete list of advanced config options?

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Sync's sample config doesn't have this parameter.


After getting things working, I *think* that this parameter prevents the web-ui from alerting users that a new version of Bittorrent Sync is available.  Since btsync is getting updated via the deb packaging system, users of the unofficial PPA can't follow the update path after receiving the alert.

Edited by nmax
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Is this the definitive|complete list of advanced config options?

Yes, the official ones. Leo Moll added others to his package. 


that's right - those who use his package cannot update from official site, they can do that via package manager, if the package is updated accordingly 

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