Text In Titlebar


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When I double-click the Sync tray icon and the window then appears, I notice that the text in the window's titlebar initially says 'index', then it changes to 'Sync', and then finally it changes to 'Sync Pro'.


This takes about 1 second on my desktop PC. On my slow laptop, It takes a second or two to transition through each of these stages every time.


Is this really efficient, the way the application is having to initialize itself each time its window is opened? Also, it makes me wonder what state the program thinks it's in while it has no window visible and is only in the tray. 'index' ? Not operating in 'Sync Pro' mode?

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@eldrin, there are essentially two components to Sync on Windows - an "engine" and a separate UI. The engine runs in the background the entire time Sync is running. It runs regardless of whether the actual UI is visible or not.


The UI simply "hooks" into this engine.


In order to get the best performance from Sync, there would be no point in UI continuing to constantly run/update when it is not visible on the screen. Therefore, when you minimize to the tray, the UI shuts down, and when you restore from the tray, it reloads (hence why you see "index" in the titlebar for a split second when you restore the window).

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