Sync Only Works One Time


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I am attempting to sync a folder on my media server with a folder on a hosted server with Btsync already installed. To setup the connection I am using a Code provided by the remote server. When I first add the sync/folder profile it syncs one initial time. Have this, it will not sync any folders. This error message is repeating over and over in the logs:

[2016-01-06 17:48:32] API: --> getsyncfolders(discovery=1&t=1452124111972)[2016-01-06 17:48:32] API: --> queue(folderid=16347597675477310521&peer=10781011C39A5527C475F26443EFE6933B0B1BCB&t=1452124112643)[2016-01-06 17:48:32] API: <-- queue({ "error": "can't find folder by folderid", "status": 500 })[2016-01-06 17:48:33] API: --> getsyncfolders(discovery=1&t=1452124113022)[2016-01-06 17:48:33] API: <-- getsyncfolders({ "folders": [ { "archive": "D:\\__NEW DOWNLOADS\\CP nzbs & torrent files\\.sync\\Archive", "archive_files": 0, "archive_size": 0, "available_space": 4341985894400, "canencrypt": false, "date_added": 1452123497, "down_eta": 0, "down_speed": 0, "down_status": 100, "error": 0, "files": 1, "folderid": "2287433477976164200", "has_key": true, "indexing": false, "ismanaged": false, "iswritable": true, "last_modified": 1452123682, "name": "CP nzbs & torrent files", "path": "D:\\__NEW DOWNLOADS\\CP nzbs & torrent files", "paused": false, "peers": [ { "direct": true, "downdiff": 34, "downfiles": 0, "id": "10781011C39A5527C475F26443EFE6933B0B1BCB", "isonline": true, "lastreceivedtime": 0, "lastsenttime": 0, "lastsynctime": 0, "name": "Btsync Server", "updiff": 0, "upfiles": 0, "userid": "" } ], "readonlysecret": "[secret]", "secret": "[secret]", "secrettype": 1, "size": 34, "status": "34 B in 1 files", "stopped": false, "synclevel": 2, "total_size": 34, "up_eta": 0, "up_speed": 0, "up_status": 100 } ], "loading": false, "speed": { "downspeed": 0, "upspeed": 0 }, "status": 200 })[2016-01-06 17:48:34] API: --> getsyncfolders(discovery=1&t=1452124114069)[2016-01-06 17:48:34] API: --> queue(folderid=16347597675477310521&peer=10781011C39A5527C475F26443EFE6933B0B1BCB&t=1452124114647)[2016-01-06 17:48:34] API: <-- queue({ "error": "can't find folder by folderid", "status": 500 })[2016-01-06 17:48:35] API: --> getsyncfolders(discovery=1&t=1452124115116)[2016-01-06 17:48:35] API: <-- getsyncfolders({ "folders": [ { "archive": "D:\\__NEW DOWNLOADS\\CP nzbs & torrent files\\.sync\\Archive", "archive_files": 0, "archive_size": 0, "available_space": 4341985894400, "canencrypt": false, "date_added": 1452123497, "down_eta": 0, "down_speed": 0, "down_status": 100, "error": 0, "files": 1, "folderid": "2287433477976164200", "has_key": true, "indexing": false, "ismanaged": false, "iswritable": true, "last_modified": 1452123682, "name": "CP nzbs & torrent files", "path": "D:\\__NEW DOWNLOADS\\CP nzbs & torrent files", "paused": false, "peers": [ { "direct": true, "downdiff": 34, "downfiles": 0, "id": "10781011C39A5527C475F26443EFE6933B0B1BCB", "isonline": true, "lastreceivedtime": 0, "lastsenttime": 0, "lastsynctime": 0, "name": "Btsync Server", "updiff": 0, "upfiles": 0, "userid": "" } ], "readonlysecret": "[secret]", "secret": "[secret]", "secrettype": 1, "size": 34, "status": "34 B in 1 files", "stopped": false, "synclevel": 2, "total_size": 34, "up_eta": 0, "up_speed": 0, "up_status": 100 } ], "loading": false, "speed": { "downspeed": 0, "upspeed": 0 }, "status": 200 })

It almost seems like it cannot see the folder after the first sync. Any ideas?

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Somehow folderid is mixed up. See in "queue" request ID 16347597675477310521 is sent, but you have only one folder with id 2287433477976164200 in Sync. So the requested folder is not found, it could be deleted, disconnected, ID file corrupted or deleted, etc. 


API: --> queue(folderid=16347597675477310521&peer=10781011C39A5527C475F26443EFE6933B0B1BCB&t=1452124112643)API: <-- queue({ "error": "can't find folder by folderid", "status": 500 })API: <-- getsyncfolders({ "folders": [ { "archive": "D:\\__NEW DOWNLOADS\\CP nzbs & torrent files\\.sync\\Archive", "....... folderid": "2287433477976164200", .....})

To investigate why this happens, can you please write to support, send full log and Sync UI screenshot. Also take a screenshot of %appdata%\ BitTorrent Sync\.SyncUserXXXXXX\folders content and provide a few details about how your peers are connected to each other. Please, do not forget to mention this forum topic. 

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