Can't find Trackers/Peers - Surface Pro 4


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So I have sync installed on 3 devices. My ubunutu 15.04 server, my windows 10 desktop and my surface pro 4 running win 10.

Sync works on my server and on my desktop (both connected via LAN)  100%. However on my Surface Pro 4 I cannot connect to a folder or link to a device over LAN or WAN. I have forwarded ports on my router, tried disabling both windows firewall and defender on my pro 4, add inbound and outbound exceptions  to my SP4's window's firewall, even tried removing my desktop off the LAN after reading something about multicasting. I have reinstalled as a program and service but nothing changes (I want to run as a service though).

Interestingly enough I can share a folder from my pro 4 to my desktop just fine. 

I feel like I am missing something and it will be a simple solution but I am out of ideas. What do you guys think it is?

(I have uploaded my debug log. I can upload my Sync.log if that would help too.)


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Here is my Sync.log file. I replaced anything that looked like it could be used to access my folder with the following: [Redacted]

Near the bottom it says 


ScheduledTask: "UpdatePeersStat" invoked: timer, reason:OnLocalTreeChanged
NAT-PMP: Unable to map port with NAT-PMP.

could this mean that this port is already in use?


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That line that you quote just means that port is not forwarded automatically, not critical. But I also see that in your LAN multicasts are off. make sure they are on.

But unfortunately, the log is too short (16 seconds?), and there are no shared folders mentioned at all, let alone any errors. Please do not remove any lines and submit full sync.log and all files to support via this web form. Please send the logs from Surface and any other desktop. 

Apart from ports and firewalls, check UTC time on all peers - it shall be the same.

Well, and the problem might appear if C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync Service\.SyncUser1.... folder got deleted/corrupted. Check if you have any bts files inside it. 

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