Rename folder synced with add and delete?


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I use BitTorrent Sync to sync 2 external drives, 1 HFS+ drive on my Mac and 1 NTFS drive on Windows.

I noticed that when I changed a folder name on the Windows drive all the files in that folder were copied again over the network instead of only renaming the folder.

Is this expected behaviour or might be a bug?

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renaming IS deleting and creating from system's POV. And If on source peer (where you do renaming) Sync can immediately detect these two and process it as "renaming", the destination machine only received corresponding notifications about "FolderOLD" being deleted and "FolderNEW" being added. Now, the reasons why file will be resynced over the network: 

1) Destination has Archive disabled. When destination gets above mentioned notifications, it moves "FolderOLD" to archive (well, as is usually done with deleted items), and then when it's time to download FolderNew, it first checks Archive, sees that the item is there, and restores from Archive with new name, instead of resyncing.

2) bulk operations, when notifications are sent in wrong order - first, FolderNEW created, which is downloaded, and them FolderOLD deleted. Here Sync has nothing to do but to just process the notifications it received. 

If neither is your case, can you please submit logs to support from both peers and provide a few details  about your case - what and how you rename. Thank you. 

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