File Names With Non-English Characters Display "???" And Cannot Be Synced


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My btsync server is running on the Raspi. The btsync version is 2.4.1(672). 

My laptop's btsync version same as the Pi is 2.4.1(672).

When my laptop upload files to my Pi, the file name will change to "???" if the file name is Chinese or Japanese.

My laptop system is Ubuntu 16.04, my pi is using debian jessie.



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However, I found another problem...The file with non-english character name cannot be synced.


[20161006 09:21:13.011] TF[E2B5] [0xb2eaf270][/media/usb0/Music/歌に形はないけれど.mp3]: state:DOWNLOAD error: meta:1 conns:0 io:0
[20161006 09:21:13.011] TF[E2B5] [0xb1c87898][/media/usb0/Music/未完成ストライド.mp3]: state:DOWNLOAD error: meta:1 conns:0 io:0
[20161006 09:21:13.012] TF[E2B5] [0xb1cb72c8][/media/usb0/Music/時を刻む唄.mp3]: state:DOWNLOAD error: meta:1 conns:0 io:0
[20161006 09:21:13.012] TF[E2B5] [0xb1d4df20][/media/usb0/Music/幻耀の蝶.mp3]: state:DOWNLOAD error: meta:1 conns:0 io:0
[20161006 09:21:13.012] TF[E2B5] [0xb1c7ac68][/media/usb0/Music/冒険彗星.mp3]: state:DOWNLOAD error: meta:1 conns:0 io:0

[20161006 09:21:08.108] TF[E2B5] [0xb2e7cc30][/media/usb0/Music/星降る空仰ぎ見て.mp3]: state:POST_DOWNLOAD_WORK error: meta:1 conns:0 io:1
[20161006 09:21:08.108] TF[E2B5] [0xb2e7cc30][/media/usb0/Music/星降る空仰ぎ見て.mp3]: unloading torrent by timeout
[20161006 09:21:08.108] SF[E2B5]: Force unloading torrent /media/usb0/Music/星降る空仰ぎ見て.mp3
[20161006 09:21:08.109] TF[E2B5] [0xb2e7cc30][/media/usb0/Music/星降る空仰ぎ見て.mp3]: removing torrent for file
[20161006 09:21:08.109] TF[E2B5] [0xb2e7cc30][/media/usb0/Music/星降る空仰ぎ見て.mp3]: check can delete: fs_refs = 2

I also don't know why this file cannot be synced either...


[20161006 09:21:11.009] TF[E2B5] [0xb1caaab0][/media/usb0/UW/2/DSC_0014_2_3.jpg]: state:POST_DOWNLOAD_WORK error: meta:1 conns:0 io:6
[20161006 09:21:11.010] TF[E2B5] [0xb1caa7b8][/media/usb0/UW/2/DSC_0014_2_2.jpg]: state:POST_DOWNLOAD_WORK error: meta:1 conns:0 io:8
[20161006 09:21:11.010] TF[E2B5] [0xb1cfb5d8][/media/usb0/UW/2/]: state:DOWNLOAD error: meta:1 conns:1 io:1267

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Ok, I found the way to solve the problem.

First thing to do is formating the USB drive (or other storage) and changed it to ext4. 

Set the encode to en_US.UTF-8. 

Add "en_US.UTF-8" at the end of the ~/.bashrc

if [ "$TERM"="linux" ] ;then
  export LANG= en_US.UTF-8

If using SSH to connect the sync server. Write "AcceptEnv LANG en_US.UTF8" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Last, plug the USB drive back to the sync server, and resync all the files.


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