Endless indexing that slows down drive performance


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I previously had a sync setup where a 9TB volume was syncing with a clone of itself over the internet and it worked quite well, but something happened to the computer on one end requiring me to wipe it clean and install everything from scratch on it, and then reestablish the Sync link. Since then, both sides have been indexing nonstop for approximately 3 weeks now on both ends and whenever I'm doing transfers to and from the volume that is on my local network, said indexing is making the transfer speed painfully slow. Is there any way I can determine if something is going wrong with the indexing to make it caught in some kind of infinite loop, or if I just have to wait longer for it to finish its job? I know there's some kind of log file I can post here that can help support determine this, but I don't know where that file lives. I'm on OSX, if that helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you really mean that it indexes intermittently or you just do not spot the non-indexing period (10 minutes). With 9TB share there is a pretty high chance that you just don't notice indexing finish before the new starts. Increate folder_rescan_interval in power user settings, to some day (the value is in seconds), and see if any changes appear.

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