Raw Images changing size when sync'd


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I used to sync my iPad photos some time ago with BitTorrent Sync and raw images would sync fine (same file size).  The resulting folder of images is 6.2 GB.

I haven't deleted any of those images and maybe added one or two since that time.

This morning I started from scratch with an empty folder on my mac and using the latest Resilio Sync I was surprised to see my new folder "shrink" from 6.2 GB to 1.7 GB after completing a sync from my iPad.  

I took a look at the two folders (old & new) and there are no archive issues, the problem is that for my Olympus raw Images (e.g. PC210800.ORF)  the image that is being synced to my mac in the new folder is not the same as the original on the iPad.  I have included a screenshot of the "Info window" for the original image.  This is from my sync'd file in the older folder.  To check, I then ran Image Capture on my mac and captured a fresh copy from my iPad.  The info window stayed the same - identical - no changes from the sync'd file in the older folder.

So, what's going on?  I can't upload any more screenshots because of space limitations so let me highlight the key differences for the two files:

  Native File:  Olympus raw image//16.4MB//4608x3456//Adobe RGB (1998)   << older sync & image capture today >>

Smaller File:  Olympus raw Image//1.1 MB//3200x2400//sRGB EC61966-2.1  <<newer sync today with 2.4.1 on mac & 2.3.5 (254) on iPad >>

both files show the same created & modified dates: December 21, 2014 at 1:32 pm

As you can see, the key difference is the change in image resolution and color profile resulting in a much smaller file (1.1 vs 16.4 MB).

Is this being done by a newer version of Sync or iOS??


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