Excessive memory usage makes program unusable


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I use resilio (prior bitSync) several moths now. I'm quite pleased with the operation, BUT I now face a major dilema that is making it unusable. 

Most of my storage maintained in synchronism is from Electronic CAD that generates a tremendous amount of files (usually quite small). So asingle project with 10k files is not uncomon!

So, when I look at memory consumption of resilio and saw 500MB (on all in-sync computers)... the usability scenario is just impossible.

A working computer with memory-ungry CAD applications CANNOT spare such amount of memory just to keep in sync.

Is it possible to have a mitigation solution for this issue?

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Sync keeps its database in RAM. Database keeps records of all files that are now or have ever been in the share. So if that CAD s/w generates some tons of (temp) files, they are all stored in database. Plus, if you have a lot of nested folders, each level is also kept as a separate database entry. Now count some 1,5-2 Kb per database entry and see how much RAM will be required to keep that database open. 

Possible solutions:
if you don't need sync those presumably temp files, add them to ignorelist.
Remove the share from Sync and add it back so that db gets deleted and new one started (keeping only current entries).

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Unfortunately they are NOT temp files (which I carefully exclude), but actually sources and/or required binaries.

Another example  is that I cannot put git repositories under sync... due to the same reason. I know that in this case there are other solutions, but it seems to me that  a Great solution (under BitSync) is being halted by a "detail" (detail... of course under big commas!!).

In any case thanks for the reply.

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