Raspberry Pi 3 --user errors


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So as the official guide suggested i Installed resilio-sync, entered:

systemctl --user enable resilio-sync

And i get back

Failed to get D-Bus connection: Connection refused

When i run the command with or without sudo it returns this error, when i run the command without the --user option it launches sure, but it launches as the rslsync user, where i can't add my files into my /home/pi/ directory.

When i launch simply sudo rslsync it launches as root user, but i don't want that.

I have looked on every thread that i could find about raspberry pi and this issue and nobody seems to either mention it, and when they do they don't solve the problem.

I even edited the config to make the default location my /Home/pi/Resilio Sync directory, and that just means now it can't add folders since no permissions as rslync.

For clarification i'm running a fresh install of Rasbian Lite.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

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