Review of Resilio Sync dev


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I thank Andy+ for providing the realistic and polite review of Resilio Sync dev. I basically agree with him on all the points he raises about it.

I will not yet migrate to the obvious competitor, the one that is still developing. Yet it meets my needs exactly; I know because I tried it before I knew about BTSync, in 2014 or 2015 and I don't use selective sync, neither macOS nor NAS. A dead development like ResilioSync is sufficient for my needs as long as operating system updates are maintained. Add to that the fact that I have a lifetime Pro license.

The only reason I'm not migrating right now is the time investment and a light sense of danger for my config. Maybe this will change as I get more information, when a feature will seem interesting to me in the competing dev.

All I'm asking the Resilio dev team for, in full awareness that I'll never get it, is one thing, requested on this forum many times in a vacuum: a button on the mobile application to synchronize immediately... When I pointed out to the team the contradiction of their communication on the Android App, saying "instant synchronization of your mobiles", their only "answer" was to remove the said message from the Play Store, which says a lot about the general state of mind of the dev: dead project, minimal respect of the given word. This basic respect is all that remains of this project.

This is a pity. Resilio Sync remains for the moment ahead of the competition, it doesn't lack much to be a success. This little thing is tough to think about, but essential: a redesign of the ergonomic approach to make it obvious to non-technical users.

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Thank you very much for your comments. It shows that other users feel the same way as I do.

On 9/12/2022 at 2:25 PM, mumen said:

A dead development like ResilioSync is sufficient for my needs as long as operating system updates are maintained. Add to that the fact that I have a lifetime Pro license

Exactly there I have quite some doubts, because although there have been various updates, at the moment we are since some months at v2.7.3, since some time at the Android-APP at v2.6.5, obviously not all bugs have been fixed so far. Only continuous updates can work out bugs. This approach was practiced in the past, but has been lost.

Maybe there is a possibility to run both software it means Resilio and the other for the same folder. You must include the working files as ignore patterns

// ########## Resilio files

// ########## syncthing files

on both sides in the Ignore List to have together working on the same folder. Maybe this is a idea for you to test some features etc.

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Exactly there I have quite some doubts, because although there have been various updates, at the moment we are since some months at v2.7.3, since some time at the Android-APP at v2.6.5, obviously not all bugs have been fixed so far. Only continuous updates can work out bugs. This approach was practiced in the past, but has been lost.

Resilio Sync users are like us: they know what works and how to deal with bugs and flaws.

That's the basis on which they make updates: if an operating system update creates a new serious crash, they will take care of it. This is their definition of "basic respect of the given word". It's all about reputation: they can't afford a bad rumor from their installed base. 

They are not officially closing the door on further developments, but they clearly have no plans to carry over the assets from Resilio Connect to Resilio Sync. This can, and will, go on indefinitely. It is not the developers who choose, it is the business model that wants this.

We are all going slowly on the alternative, they know it. They better pin a topic on migration! 

They also know that they are losing potential influencers for Connect.

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The migration is simple. If both services are running alternately, simply include the above patterns in the Ignore Lists of the folders in both software packages. This will prevent temporary and other working files from being synchronized by the other software. Then both services can even be active in parallel.

Enabling this in the same folders also works, but may lead to conflict files. It is therefore a good idea to first test such a mixed environment extensively in a trial environment. With the aforementioned precautions, it is possible to run one or the other software at each node without further ado.

If one now wants to change over completely, it is quite simple. The Resilio service is stopped and the same directories are included and linked in the other software. This is very simple and no kind of migration is needed or possible, because each software has to create its own database.

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