Finder extension /sync to this device not working macOS Ventura?


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Hello, I have updated two computers to Ventura and the Finder contextual menu doesn't show the Resilio options anymore.

I have tried this troubleshooting procedure but it didn't fix it.

I'm using Resilio 2.7.3 (1381) which was released before Ventura, but it seems to be the lates version available.

Is this feature broken in Ventura? Anyone else experiencing this issue? Will there be any more updates to Sync Home?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I had the same issue as you. Looking at the link you provided, it says


Context menus show up in file browsers on Mac and Windows for the sync shares that have Selective Sync option ON. So in first place please check that this option is indeed enabled.

So perhaps this is your problem. I didn't have Selective Sync on...and I think it's bizarre that I can't delete files from a sync unless that setting is on. I want to sync an entire folder all the time, but also be able to delete items from that synced folder. Why are these features mutually exclusive?

As it is now, I have to enable Selective Sync, delete files via the contextual option "Remove from all devices", and then disable Selective Sync. Strange.

Apologies if this is not the solution to your issue @RetroYogi

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@MCMC Thank you for your comment.

After removing Resilio completely with the help of AppCleaner, the finder extensions works again. Unfortunately I haven't found a way yet to fix it without loosing the link to the sync identity, therefore I'm going to leave my main computer as it is, this one doesn't use selective sync anyway.

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