File Synchronization from Linux Devices

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Hey All,

Long time RS user here.  I'm using the paid personal license.

I've got RS installed on my Synology NAS, and on all my various computers.

I'm in the middle of transitioning from Windows to Linux. I've now got 2 Linux boxes set up with RS.

I'm finding that when RS sync's stuff from one Linux box, it is displayed on the other both as belonging to a different owner.

I've been brute forcing everything back to normal access by running:

sudo chmod -R 777 /home/

Is there a setting in RS that I can toggle to change this behavoir?



PS reCAPTCHA sucks.....

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6 hours ago, said:

sudo chmod -R 777 /home/

Don't do this. Not only you changed everything to be executable (when most of them are not supposed to be), but also you gave every user in your system permissions to access everyone else's files. It's also very hard to recover your system back to its original state if you issued

chmod -R fixed_number

Learn to use chmod -R a+rw, chmod -R og-w instead.

Just use your user (i.e., login: echo $(whoami)) to run RSL, and all files RSL creates/updates will be owned by that user.

If you use systemd to manage RSL, change User=/Group= lines in its service file;

Or simply write a bash script to start RSL then run it as your user.




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  • 3 weeks later...


"Learn to use chmod -R a+rw, chmod -R og-w instead.

Just use your user (i.e., login: echo $(whoami)) to run RSL, and all files RSL creates/updates will be owned by that user.

If you use systemd to manage RSL, change User=/Group= lines in its service file;

Or simply write a bash script to start RSL then run it as your user."

This is a completely unhelpful and antagonistic response.


I'm a user, not a dev, doing a new install of Resilio on an Elementary OS box. 

I used this as a reference:

Firstly, these instructions for setting up R-S on a linux box are incomplete as once I was done, I had to go and figure out I needed to enter "" into a browser as it doesn't say that anywhere.

And then once it's installed, I can't access any folders.

The dirty little secret is revealed here:

I have to run 'sudo setfacl -R -m "u:rslsync:rwx" /home/your-username'

To access my folders.

Only now, all the folders are protected.

Howze about we; "the global we", have documentation for installing software that doesn't presume the user is intimately familiar with linux permissions? Wouldn't that be easier than having to snarkily answer these questions over, and over?

Sorry for the blunt response as I'm more than a bit frustrated.

Now, how do I configure Resilio-Sync/Elementary OS/whatever so that synchronized files are NOT protected?

Use little words, I'm a dumbass.....


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18 hours ago, said:

Try this article from Sync Knowledge Base:
in particular, the "Managing Sync" section, and sub-section "Alternative: Running Sync under the current user".

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5 hours ago, Alex_W said:

Try this article from Sync Knowledge Base:
in particular, the "Managing Sync" section, and sub-section "Alternative: Running Sync under the current user".

Bless you.

That did the trick.

I owe you an adult beverage!


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