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Everything posted by tuxpoldo

  1. On a first look, your configuration file appears to be OK. I suppose that the problem is doe to some other cause. Please stop btsync and try a manual run in order to verify if there is some error message: # stop btsync sudo service btsync stop # start btsync as normal process in the console sudo /usr/lib/btsync/btsync-daemon --nodaemon --config /etc/btsync/debconf-default.conf Perhaps you must change the path and name of the config file, if you are not using the debconf managed configuration file...
  2. No problem. The solution is simple. Look into the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/btsync.list - it should now contain the following lines: deb http://debian.yeasoft.net/btsync squeeze main contrib non-free deb-src http://debian.yeasoft.net/btsync squeeze main contrib non-free Simply replace squeeze with wheezy: deb http://debian.yeasoft.net/btsync wheezy main contrib non-free deb-src http://debian.yeasoft.net/btsync wheezy main contrib non-free And then update the package database and reinstall the package... sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install btsync This should solve your problem...
  3. Thanks! Upgrading to wheezy won't be a solution ;-) OK: let's see. I have a basic squeeze test machine and I created a user btsync by issuing the command: useradd -m btsync And now I create a configuration file similar to yours... The difference is, that there is no shared_folders block. Why? Because you cannot combine predefine shared folders with the web interface (it is written somewhere but I do not remember...) //!/usr/sbin/btsync-daemon --config // // DAEMON_UID=btsync // DAEMON_UMASK=0002 // // This example will launch the instance running under the credentials // of the user "jdoe" using 0002 as umask // The internal data of the btsync daemon will be written in // /home/jdoe/.btsync // Since the web gui is disabled, the user cannot configure anything. // The instance offers one replicated directory located in // /home/jdoe/syncdir // { "device_name": "John Doe's btsync Server", "listening_port" : 0, "storage_path" : "/home/btsync/.btsync", "check_for_updates" : false, "use_upnp" : false, "download_limit" : 0, "upload_limit" : 0, "webui" : { "listen" : "", "login" : "admin", "password" : "1234" } } Now let's launch it.... service btsync restart root@debian:/etc/btsync# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 (squeeze) Release: 6.0.7 Codename: squeeze root@debian:/etc/btsync# ps ax | grep btsync 1297 ? Sl 0:00 /usr/lib/btsync/btsync-daemon --nodaemon --config /etc/btsync/user-new.conf 1316 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep btsync root@debian:/etc/btsync# netstat -tulpe | grep btsync tcp 0 0 *:51093 *:* LISTEN btsync 3530 1297/btsync-daemon tcp 0 0 *:8888 *:* LISTEN btsync 3543 1297/btsync-daemon udp 0 0 *:3838 *:* btsync 3548 1297/btsync-daemon udp 0 0 *:51093 *:* btsync 3541 1297/btsync-daemon OK - everything working fine. Also the web interface is running. I suppose that this was your problem. One thing more: Also if it is not relevant since it was surely not your intention to predefine a shared folder AND have the web UI running, the shared folder you defined is fatally wrong: you shared the internal storage directory of btsync! This can lead to a "Larsen-Effect" and is surely not what you want...
  4. CAVEATS OF THE NEW VERSION: The most substantial change in this version is multiuser support. In order to make it possible to have concurrent instances running (one for each user), each btsync instance is running its web UI on a different port number. In order to make sure, the user can access its personal web UI, the application shortcut is no more system global but user specific. But: If you have saved other shortcuts to your web UI, they may not work any more, since the port number for the user specific web UI may have been changed If you have created your own configuration file ~/btsync.conf you should check if your web UI port number is different from the port number btsync would have assigned to you (look at the default configuration file ~/.btsync.conf ). If they are different, the application shortcut will not work any more and there is the risk, that it may conflict with the port number of another user into the system. You should fix it.
  5. Released new packages 1.1.70-2 with a few bugfixes and additions. All Debian builds are now online. As usual, Ubuntu builds will be probably available in a few hours. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-2~sid) sid; urgency=low - Fixed: Restart on update will work in future versions on btsync-user (Reported and fixed by dswd) - Added multiuser support for btsync-user as suggested by user pjssilva (See http://bit.ly/13dBmOP) THIS MAY CHANGE THE PORT NUMBER FOR THE WEB UI - Fixed: Sometime btsync is still not running when the startup sequence checks if the process runs. Added sleep 1 (Suggested by raveur) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Wed, 04 Sep 2013 16:07:28 +0200
  6. Released new packages 1.1.70-2 with a few bugfixes and additions. All Debian builds are now online. As usual, Ubuntu builds will be probably available in a few hours. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-2~sid) sid; urgency=low - Fixed: Restart on update will work in future versions on btsync-user (Reported and fixed by dswd) - Added multiuser support for btsync-user as suggested by user pjssilva (See http://bit.ly/13dBmOP) THIS MAY CHANGE THE PORT NUMBER FOR THE WEB UI - Fixed: Sometime btsync is still not running when the startup sequence checks if the process runs. Added sleep 1 (Suggested by raveur) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Wed, 04 Sep 2013 16:07:28 +0200
  7. Thanks a lot! I like your approach and I have implemented it. Perhaps today I will release an improved version...
  8. Also if I am not a btsync developer, I will try to give you some answer based on my observations: btsync stores a lot of runtime and configuration related stuff in an internal databased located in the storage directory. The configuration file is only a method to permit the user to override the internal defaults used when starting btsync for the first time. As you can see, you have the possibility to set many of the values defined in the configuration file also in the UI (like the listening port). I suppose that at every restart, btsync takes the values from the configuration file - if supplied.
  9. That's really interesting! According to my documentation, the additional repository is added to the sources list by the Ubuntu tool add-apt-repository so I'm really wondering how it could happening that the URLs were wrong... Did you add the repository using the procedure documented in the initial post? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tuxpoldo/btsync
  10. Thanks! As far as I know, this two options are mutually exclusive (and this would make sense). Predefining shares in the configuration file, is a configuration scheme used to define a static and immutable (more secure) configuration for obtaining an exact well defined behaviour in a server environment. In any case this question affects the core functionality of btsync and should be be better discussed in a dedicated thread since I do not think that the btsync developers read this thread.
  11. Thank you! Strange: the whole procedure is described in the initial topic under USAGE NOTES. Especially your use case (start the daemon under your username) is covered by the provided example ("This example will launch the instance running under the credentials of the user "jdoe" using 0002 as umask")... The solution suggested by user ba1020 a few replies above, is the older way to do it, but it still works...
  12. Hi Orbal Dwine, Can you please make some tests with the information supplied in the following two articles? http://superuser.com/questions/158765/how-do-i-add-modify-remove-startup-programs-in-kde This would be my favourite solution since it implements the autostart on a per-user base. Please check if there is a directory named ~/.kde4/Autostart on your machine. If yes, copy the btsync-agent.desktop file there and logoff and login again. You should the shell to do that, since the file manager probably would hide the .kde4 directory... If this does not work, you could verify, if the solution described in this article works for you: http://l10n.kde.org/docs/admin/autostart-and-runonce.html Please let me know...
  13. Yes - but give me time until tomorrow. Today we have a date with some friends and I have to leave in a few minutes. Since I have not changed anything from the last release, you can work on the files you have and send them to me without fear of creating conflicts...
  14. Hi pjssilva, OK - I knew that this would have been happen but I hoped that it would not ;-) All your suggestions are OK and I will start thinking about a solution for this. Changing the port number based on the UID is an interesting idea. As you said, the problem is to keep a functioning link to the web interface. At the moment, the .desktop file is shared by all users on the system. I have to find out, if there is a way to create user specific ones... Since I have no linux machine here at the hotel where I'm spending my honeymoon, can anybody help me giving the information how I can achieve this? Is there a possibility on Linux to store user specific .desktop files? The second problem (the one that the web interfaces are not protected by password), can be solved by creating custom configuration files ( ~/btsync.conf instead of ~/.btsync.conf ) Regards Leo
  15. Hi dswd, That was exactly what I thought about it. I think that tomorrow I will have some spare time to implement the change (since unfortunately the weather here in Timisoara has become very ugly). Good Idea! Since I have here only my Notebook with limited possibilities in testing all that stuff, it would be really helpful to get some help. Thanks!
  16. It seems that the autostart mechanism does not work under your environment. The autostart-upon-logon sequence is implemented by copying the btsync-agent.desktop file to /etc/xdg/autostart Content of btsync-agent.desktop: [Desktop Entry] Name=BitTorrent Sync User Agent Comment=BitTorrent Sync User Agent Exec=/usr/lib/btsync-user/btsync-starter Icon=btsync-user Terminal=false Type=Application NoDisplay=true Probably Mint13 Cinamon is not using XDG as the interactive logon process and this makes the packages incompatible with it. Does anybody here know how to implement autostart in this configuration? If someone tells me, I can try to improve the packages.
  17. Hi shizeon, the biggest problem in changing the location now, is to move the already existing ~/.btsync storage path. This can be done in the update procedure, but the risk that something will go wrong is quite high... Also people using the custom ~/btsync.conf configuration file may get in trouble, if I change the location from one version to the next... Any idea how to solve this?
  18. Fascinating. After my marriage on August 16, I'm spending my honeymoon in the wonderful city Timisoara in Romania. Beside of the really wonderful historic cities, Romania has another great value point for people like us: everywhere you are, you have free high speed internet. Unfortunately it seems that this great infrastructure is also used by black hats for malicious purposes and for that reason many web sites and services block Romanian IPs. Also this forum seems to block Romanian IP addresses. When I try to connect directly via the hotel LAN, all I get is this: As soon as I connect via VPN to my servers in Frankfurt and access the forum with a german IP, everything works fine... GRMBL GRMBL.... Now I have to install and configure OpenVPN also on my iPad, since only my notebook in the room is currently able to setup a VPN connection, but I want to read and write in this forum with the iPad laying at the pool ;-)
  19. I suppose that also 200MB is still not enough. I'm running my ALIX with Debian and I have tested it without any other program running except for OpenSSH (more than 200 MB free) but it still stops without any information. BTW: If you want more debug information, you should create a file named debug.txt in the storage_path of btsync containing "FFFF": If your storage_path is a directory named .btsync under your current path, you can do it this way: echo FFFF > .btsync/debug.txt
  20. I have the same problem (ALIX 2D13). I suppose that btsync needs a minimum of memory to start. Let's wait for the next version. Someone told me, that there will be a dramatical improvement in the memory footprint.... BTW: Consider using a minimal Debian - Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS uses lots of memory in comparison to Debian...
  21. Yes. This is the major problem in handling the update process and I still have not found a really good solution. I promise that I will work on this issue, but I need some tome since: tomorrow I have to attend my own marriage ;-) and in the next days I will go into holiday with my wife. Once there, I will have a great internet connection and a lot of time and I will find a solution.
  22. Updated all packages to 1.1.70 - All Debian and Ubuntu builds are online. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-1~sid) sid; urgency=low * New upstream release -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Thu, 15 Aug 2013 10:44:11 +0200
  23. Updated all packages to 1.1.70 - All Debian and Ubuntu builds are online. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-1~sid) sid; urgency=low * New upstream release -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Thu, 15 Aug 2013 10:44:11 +0200
  24. OK. It is totally evident, that you HAVE the latest version and that btsync was started with your personally tuned configuration file. Since btsync never opens more than one configuration file, I have the suspicion, that for some strange reason, the original value was stored into the internal database of btsync. I must admit, that I have tested all of this with a freshly installed btsync without any active folder shares. I would suggest to start from scratch: stop btsync (use this command: /usr/lib/btsync-user/btsync-stopper ) and than delete or rename the btsync storage_path (in your installation: /home/username/.btsync ). Afterwards restart btsync ( /usr/lib/btsync-user/btsync-starter ) and than redefined the folder shares on the web ui.