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Everything posted by tuxpoldo

  1. Released new packages 1.1.70-5 with a lot of bugfixes and additions. The most noticeable change will surely be the removed dependency from specific library versions that required a dedicated version for each distribution release making it unnecessarily hard to deploy on several platforms. Starting from now, btsync is available on Debian squeeze, wheezy, jessie and sid for the platforms i386, amd64, armel and armhf Since launchpad permits only to build i386 and amd64 packages, I'm seriously thinking about offering the packages for Ubuntu also from my personal repository. The clear advantage would be that armhf and armel builds would also be available for Ubuntu. Please let me know what you think about it. All Debian builds are now online. As usual, Ubuntu builds will be probably available in a few hours. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-5) unstable; urgency=low - Updated btsyncindicator to version 0.9 in btsync-user - Added "BitTorrent Sync" desktop icon in btsync-user (Issue #6) - Fixed: 'Response' object has no attribute 'text' bug (Issue #2) - Fixed: removed lintian warnings (Issue #1) - Fixed: service startup/shutdown does not affect any more installation/update/uninstallation (Issue #3) - Fixed: the packages now install EXACTLY the same executable btsync binary as distributed by BitTorrent Inc. - Previously the binary was stripped by debhelper (dh_strip) (Issue #4) - Fixed: both btsync and btsync-user will not specify and strict library version dependency making it possible to install the same package on different Debian/Ubuntu/XXXbian versions without the need to create a specific package (Issue #5) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Sat, 30 Sep 2013 15:31:16 +0200
  2. Hi! Please post your list to the main forum and not in this topic, since it mainly relates to the btsync executable itself. In this topic we only discuss about the debian packaging for servers (that is not officially part of the product).
  3. I think that this is a general btsync related problem (not related to packaging) and that you should post it to the main forum. BTW: I notices sometimes the same behaviour...
  4. I think that it would be helpful to explain, how autostart on logon is currently implemented in order to find out, why under certain circumstances btsync does not start. The installer copies a btsync-agent.desktop file with the following contents in /etc/btsync-user/btsync-agent.desktop [Desktop Entry]Name=BitTorrent Sync User AgentComment=BitTorrent Sync User AgentExec=/usr/lib/btsync-user/btsync-starterIcon=btsync-userTerminal=falseType=ApplicationNoDisplay=true Since every desktop has its own autostart mechanism, the installation routine (that generally works by autostarting all .desktop files in a specific directory) searches for a suitable autostart directory and then creates a symbolic link to that file in the detected directory: if [ -d /etc/xdg/autostart ]; then ln -sf /etc/btsync-user/btsync-agent.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/btsync-agent.desktop elif [ -d /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart ]; then ln -sf /etc/btsync-user/btsync-agent.desktop /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart/btsync-agent.desktop elif [ -d /usr/share/autostart ]; then ln -sf /etc/btsync-user/btsync-agent.desktop /usr/share/autostart/btsync-agent.desktop else # fallback: no /etc/xdg/autostart - create one mkdir /etc/xdg/autostart ln -sf /etc/btsync-user/btsync-agent.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/btsync-agent.desktop fi If btsync does not start on your installation, I suppose that you are using a desktop where they have again defined a new method of autostarting applications (Why the **** they enjoy to change this at every release?!?! $#@!! ) I would be glad to improve this, but I definitively NEED YOUR HELP since I am not able to keep an in installation of every variant of debianoid operating system in order to test it. Please let me know, which method of autostart I should add in order to support your preferred desktop distribution, and I will implement it as soon as possible..
  5. Closed. It's really strange: a virgin browser with no history, no cache and no cookies. Nevertheless, some pages still show the old broken design. Solution: Select the nice new theme using the "Change Theme"-Link at the end of the page.
  6. Sorry, but I have to reopen it. The root of all forums is OK, the thread view also, but the subforums itself are totally broken :-( And here:
  7. First of all: Compliments for the new design! I would say yes. On a first glimpse, I would say, that all problems are fixed. I will close this issue ;-) Kind Regards Leo
  8. Any news? The Forum still appears to be broken :-(
  9. OK - it seems that on your raspberry the daemon init scripts returns an error. Unfortunately the installation routine fails, if it is not possible to execute /etc/init.d/btsync successfully. I will make sure, that this cannot happen in the next version but anyway we have to find out, why the daemon startup script fails. Since this happens for several different reasons and it's very annoying, it will be fixed by returning always 0 in btsync start and btsync stop in order to not affect installation/update/uninstallation See Issue #3
  10. I suppose that under raspbian lsb_release -cs returns something broken like "n/a" that caused a broken package source. Please do the following: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/btsync.listsudo echo deb http://debian.yeasoft.net/btsync wheezy main contrib non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/btsync.listsudo echo deb-src http://debian.yeasoft.net/btsync wheezy main contrib non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/btsync.listsudo apt-get updateThis should work based on the assumption that wheezy packages will work under raspbian...
  11. The solution is simple. You wrote: The issue is - when I run (without sudo, as I dont want to run it as root): service btsync start Exactly this is the error. btsync will not run as root because you specified it into the config file with DAEMON_UID=MYUSERNAME and not because you are issuing the command service as a user.
  12. Not really. Look: I created a user user1 and a corresponding configuration file: yeasoft-gate2 /etc/btsync # cat user1.conf//!/usr/sbin/btsync-daemon --config//// DAEMON_UID=user1// DAEMON_GID=user1//{"device_name": "user1@server.domain.lan","listening_port" : 0,"storage_path" : "/home/user1/.btsync","pid_file" : "/home/user1/.btsync/btsync.pid","check_for_updates" : false,"use_upnp" : false,"download_limit" : 0,"upload_limit" : 0,"disk_low_priority" : true,"lan_encrypt_data" : false,"lan_use_tcp" : false,"rate_limit_local_peers" : false,"folder_rescan_interval" : 600,"webui" :{"listen" : "","login" : "admin","password" : "blablabla"}} ... the home directory is still empty... yeasoft-gate2 /etc/btsync # ls -la /home/user1total 20drwxr-xr-x 2 user1 user1 4096 Sep 18 17:31 .drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Jul 17 00:04 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 220 Apr 3 2012 .bash_logout-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 3486 Apr 3 2012 .bashrc-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 675 Apr 3 2012 .profile Now let's start the party... yeasoft-gate2 /etc/btsync # sudo service btsync start * Starting P2P file synchronisation daemon(s)... * Autostarting btsync instance 'user1' [ OK ] Fine. Let's look at the user's home directory... yeasoft-gate2 /etc/btsync # ls -la /home/user1total 24drwxr-xr-x 3 user1 user1 4096 Sep 18 17:32 .drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Jul 17 00:04 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 220 Apr 3 2012 .bash_logout-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 3486 Apr 3 2012 .bashrcdrwxr-xr-x 2 user1 user1 4096 Sep 18 17:32 .btsync-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 675 Apr 3 2012 .profileyeasoft-gate2 /etc/btsync # ls -la /home/user1/.btsync/total 288drwxr-xr-x 2 user1 user1 4096 Sep 18 17:32 .drwxr-xr-x 3 user1 user1 4096 Sep 18 17:32 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 5 Sep 18 17:32 btsync.pid-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 2400 Sep 18 17:32 settings.dat-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 74135 Sep 18 17:32 sync.lng-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 0 Sep 18 17:32 sync.log-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 user1 198451 Sep 18 17:32 webui.zip Perfect! Everything OK! And btsync is running as user1. But is there also a .pid file in /var/run? yeasoft-gate2 /etc/btsync # ls -la /var/run/bt*-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5 Sep 18 17:32 /var/run/btsync.user1.pid Oh! Why another PID file? OK - now the answer and also the solution to your problem: The first .pid file (the one in the home directory of the user) is created by btsync itself, and therefore it runs under the credentials of user1 - since in the config file it was stated that btsync should run as user1. The second .pid file (the one under /var/run is created by the daemon script - that should be managed by the daemon subsystem since it is autostarted by init on system startup. So: when you execute service btsync start under normal user credentials, you are doing something that is not correct, since services (daemons) are always managed by the system. You can't also use the service command to start other services like dhcp or named with user credentials. Start btsync with sudo service btsync start and you will see that everything is working as you like - also the btsync instance running as MYUSERNAME (since you have specified it in the configuration file.
  13. There are still no news about this. As said, I can offer hosting space for the package repository and acess to everything I did for Debian/Ubuntu. The packaging project for Debian/Ubuntu including all resources and scripts can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/tuxpoldo/btsync-deb If someone is seriously working on RPM packages, I'm available for explanations regarding the deployment concepts implemented in Debian/Ubuntu
  14. Released new packages 1.1.70-4 with a few bugfixes and additions. All Debian builds are now online. As usual, Ubuntu builds will be probably available in a few hours. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-4~sid) sid; urgency=low - Fixed: added missing python dependencies for btsync-user - Fixed: small cosmetic improvements in package texts - Fixed: btsyncindicator Issue #2 - made location of bitmaps debian conformant - Added possibility to open the web ui directly from btsyncindicator menu (Issue #3) - Added menu entry "Enable Debug Logging" in btsyncindicator menu (Issue #4) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Tue, 18 Sep 2013 11:20:44 +0200
  15. Released new packages 1.1.70-4 with a few bugfixes and additions. All Debian builds are now online. As usual, Ubuntu builds will be probably available in a few hours. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-4~sid) sid; urgency=low - Fixed: added missing python dependencies for btsync-user - Fixed: small cosmetic improvements in package texts - Fixed: btsyncindicator Issue #2 - made location of bitmaps debian conformant - Added possibility to open the web ui directly from btsyncindicator menu (Issue #3) - Added menu entry "Enable Debug Logging" in btsyncindicator menu (Issue #4) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Tue, 18 Sep 2013 11:20:44 +0200
  16. Thanks a lot! Indeed I forgot to add the whole python dependency. I will fix this today and update also to an improved version of the indicator.
  17. Here you can see the broken quotes and the missing "Share"-Picture in the head line:
  18. Hey Guys! When you updated the forum software a week ago, you broke some things. Here a few samples: There are some referenced bitmaps missing. The new version of the forum software references a "share" image link on each post. The URL of the image is http://forum.bittorrent.com/public/style_images/simples/icon_share.png but the image is missingQuoting is not shown correctly. You see the header line (with the name of the original author and the timestamp of the original message) but the rest of the quoted text has the identical style as the whole message, so that you cannot tell the difference between quoted text and new textIf you like, I can send you some screenshots. I have exactly the same results both on Safari as on Chrome.
  19. Thank you for this absolutely great job! In collaboration with Mark, the indicator has now been included into the Debian and Ubuntu Desktop Packages for BitTorrent Sync Enjoy!
  20. Released new packages 1.1.70-3 with an exiting addition. All Debian and Ubuntu builds are now online. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-3~sid) sid; urgency=low - Fixed: added autostart support for KDE SC (/usr/share/autostart/) and OpenBox (/etc/xdg/openbox/autostart) in btsync-user - Added status indicator for btsync-user (Thanks to Mark Johnson) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:25:09 +0200
  21. Released new packages 1.1.70-3 with an exiting addition. All Debian and Ubuntu builds are now online. Changelog: btsync (1.1.70-3~sid) sid; urgency=low - Fixed: added autostart support for KDE SC (/usr/share/autostart/) and OpenBox (/etc/xdg/openbox/autostart) in btsync-user - Added status indicator for btsync-user (Thanks to Mark Johnson) -- Leo Moll <leo.moll@yeasoft.com> Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:25:09 +0200
  22. Basically it is not really difficult. I have only to add two additional dialogue boxes in which the user can enter a username and a gid. The problem is that I have also to write a lot of code that checks that everything is entered correctly and would result in a working configuration. Since the server based btsync packages are usually intended for advanced users, I'm not sure if this really makes sense, since advanced users typically prefer to write their own configuration files... But I will think about it.
  23. Really interesting... Let me see on one of my machines: tuxpoldo ~ # uname -aLinux tuxpoldo 3.2.0-4-486 #1 Debian 3.2.46-1 i586 GNU/Linuxtuxpoldo ~ # dpkg -l libc6Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)||/ Name Version Architecture Description+++-=========================-=================-=================-=======================================================ii libc6:i386 2.13-38 i386 Embedded GNU C Library: Shared librariesOK. I have 2.13 installed. Can you please check, which version you have installed (dpkg -l libc6)? Please use the same commend I used. I would like to see, if your installation has anything different from usual...
  24. Believe me: it works. Beside of explaining the solution to your problem, please tell me: // Default instance automatically created by debconf // // DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY // // use dpkg-reconfigure btsync to modify the // configuration Which part of "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY" was not understandable? Rule Nr. 1: If you want do configure something different as debconf offers to do (and this INCLUDES also running an instance under different user credentials or have you seen in the interactive configuration the possibility to select under which credentials the default instance should run?), you MUST tell debconf that YOU DO NOT WANT A DEFAULT INSTANCE. Rule Nr. 2: If you create your manually configured instance (by writing your own configuration file), you must make sure, that btsync is able to access all its files with the needed mode. This includes: at least read access to the configuration file full access to the storage_path directory. If this directory does not exist, the parent directory MUST exist and btsync must be able to create there the storage_path directory write access to the directory, where btsync wants to create its .pid-file or - if the file is already existing - write access to this file.. write/full access to the directories that will be replicated by btsync (obvious) Rule Nr. 3: Never ever change ownership or mode of files installed by the btsync installer. I'm pretty sure, that your instance of btsync is not running, because /var/lib/btsync and all files contained in it are not accessible with the desired mode from the application running as www-data BTW: all your modifications of /etc/btsync/debconf-default.conf will be overwritten at every update or automatic reconfiguration of btsync.