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  1. Hello! I have a question about how this scheduler works CPU wise. I don't have pro but you have a reasonably priced promotion at the moment and I like the idea of scheduled sync. But what I want to know is if this function affects CPU load. Will Sync still be active, monitoring changes, scanning folders etc or will all that activity happen exclusively during scheduled sync time?
  2. I use portable versions of a lot of apps and keep them in sync between my two PC's (never on external drives!). The most important is Firefox and I've experienced the cache problem, that's why I started using the pause function in the first place. A lot of json and sqlite files which are part of the cache would become conflicted and I would see a lot of corresponding files with the extension !bt (I don't remember exactly) not being removed when I exited Firefox. BTSync on both machines then would just continue trying to sync until I deleted the bt-files manually. Does this happen because the cache files are in use and are constantly changed and BTSync can't keep up? I added some of the problematic extensions to the ignore list and I think it worked but now with the exit method it doesn't matter. I haven't seen any issues yet, besides forgetting to launch BTSync on occasion.
  3. A little late response but thank you! I did a complete re-installation/re-setup of BTSync instead and haven't seen the issue since. So no logs unfortunately. I'm now on 2.3.3 (296) and it works perfectly.
  4. Thank you for clarifying! I'll continue exiting BTSync before work sessions then. How more likely is it that BTSync will miss changes if I exit BTSync and then launch it afterwards, instead of just pausing sync?
  5. For the time being I exit BT Sync before sessions and restart it when I'm finished. Although I don't think it's the best solution because it doesn't monitor in real time. The best solution IMO would be letting the paused BT Sync index whatever changes are made and then when sync is resumed transfer all this information and then sync. It seems they have made it to go the other way around, that changes are monitored on those machines where BT Sync is NOT paused. It might even be the purpose, that the pause function shall prevent to sync files that have been changed on a remote PC. If that's the case then the best solution is to pause sync on the remote PC instead. A lot more clicks though.
  6. Hello! I find it odd that I don't get one single result from searching "pause" or "pause syncing". Maybe something going on with my browser. I have noticed something that I wouldn't call a bug but maybe an inconvenience. I normally pause syncing when I use files in my synced folders and resume syncing when I'm done. I have found that even if BT sync is paused on the PC I use, BT Sync on the remote PC (where sync is not paused) is constantly active and the "sync wheel" is rotating all the time. There are no actual transfers going on, but if I look into history on the remote PC it tells all the activity that happens on the PC I use e.g. "Home added file...", "Home updated file..." etc. Then when I'm finished and resume syncing, files are transfered and both BTSyncs go into proper idle and the wheel stops rotating. I don't know if this is how it is supposed to act and the only drawback is that it prevents the remote PC from going into a low powered state and let the drive spin down. Sessions can last for hours before I resume syncing and it seems kind of unnecessary to have both machines active at the same time when I only use one. I don't see how the logging could not happen on the PC in use only and then when sync is resumed all that information could be passed to the remote PC. Thanks Edit: I searched for "paus" (how it is spelled in my native language) and not "pause" which explains the lack of results. I only found one thread that seems related though and it still doesn't explain the constant activity.
  7. "me too" posts are necessary when there's no "I also have this problem" button or something similar. Further information about acl and CNG would be great because I don't understand what that is or what to look for. Where do I restart CNG? I can't find any CNG in the task manager. I have had issues in the past when using the same identity on all machines so I always set up BT Sync as it's own identity on each machine I use. At the moment 2 PC's with Windows 10 Pro. I only share one folder and both users are set as owners with all permissions. Time settings are in sync. I will try to reconfigure BT Sync from scratch.
  8. Hi! Did you get rid of this problem? I've been seeing it for maybe a month now but it can't be widespread because you're post is the only one mentioning this (even outside of this forum). I don't know if it actually affects transfers because I don't use this machine much nowadays, it's mostly a backup machine for my main PC at home. It always goes away if I restart BT sync but then comes back after a while. I'm on windows 10 pro, 64-bit.
  9. A late follow-up. I did a complete re-installation and then thoroughly reviewed everything in the settings and now I keep the sync folder in roaming to be about the same size as the database. I'm still on 2.1.4 because I had a lot of issues with later versions and 2.1.4 is flawless for me so if you're on a later version the settings look a little different. But what I've done is: Under advanced settings: - Untick "Always check for updates..." - Untick "Enable debug logging" Under advanced settings > more settings: - Set log size to 1 - Disable "send statistics" (I assume this setting requires some kind of logging) If you don't want to re-install you can in addition to what Moe said also delete all previous exe's looking like this: "BTSync.exe.25160.tmp" Do NOT delete any *.db files, I think that's your file index. Edit: If I exclude the database all other files take exactly 27,4 MB and that is since late september, so my settings work.
  10. Hello and thank you for your awesome service! I recently went from 1.3 to 2.1 because 1.3 didn't work good in Windows 10. Sync 2.1 worked flawlessly, the best idle cpu values I had ever seen with 0-0,1% constantly for BTSync.exe. I use Sync on 2 PC's, one at home and one at my studio. The other day I installed 2.2 on my home PC and afterwards it hasn't run well at all. It never went to idle, CPU usage for BTSync.exe was constantly at around 3%. So I updated on the remote PC too because I figured 2.1 and 2.2 didn't work well together. No difference. So I went back to 2.1 ( to be exact) on both machines and now BTSync is back at idling at 0%. PC at home: core i7 3770, windows 8.1 Pro PC at studio: old core 2 duo E7400, windows 10 Pro To be more clear, it is not a hardware issue, because right now I see 0% idle on the old core 2 duo as well.
  11. Old thread but it affected me today. I use 2.1 (2.2 doesn't work good) and I had "All/New peers I invite must be approved by me" unticked when generating a key, despite this the remote PC got stuck on pending approval. So I re-generated a key with the option ticked and then it worked.
  12. Hello! I upgraded to Sync 2 a while back and now automatically install updates through BT sync. Then I remembered it is pretty common that developers don't put an effort into clean up mechanisms, especially after downloading upgrade files (Google might take the first price with Chrome). So I checked the BT Sync folder in Roaming and found it is pretty big. 919 MB to be exact. I have enough space on my PC, but on e.g. a cheap laptop with limited storage this would be an issue. 500 mb seems to be only log files and almost all the rest is for the database which I of course understand is essential. I also found that the previous versions executables are renamed and saved as .tmp files e.g. BTSync.exe.25160.tmp which I can understand is necessary in the update process, but I can not understand why they are kept afterwards? Have a nice day!
  13. Yes, on my home PC I still run 1.3.109. On my work PC I use the latest 1.4 but that's only because 1.3 for some reason used a lot of CPU while idling, it's an old core2duo machine. Both PC's are on windows 8.1 64-bit. I think the UI in 1.3 is way more logic and I really miss the transfer-tab where I could see what file was being transfered atm. I can't see any other way now than the history option which I don't think is very good. But 1.4 works good enough and the functionality is the same and it is 64-bit so I won't downgrade, but I wont upgrade on my home PC. BTW, was there ever a 64-bit windows version of 1.3?
  14. Actually I used to run LogMeIn Hamachi prior to both Live Mesh and Gbridge. I didn't know teamviewer worked without port forwarding. I installed Chrome Remote Desktop yesterday and it seems to work really good too. But it would still be cool if it was included in BTSync, the less stuff you need to install the better!
  15. Hello! I didn't find anything RDP related by searching so I guess this is not a feature that many would care for. Since Microsoft discontinued Windows Live Mesh/Sync a year ago I've been using a software called GBridge for cloudless sync between my home and work PC. It has the benefit of besides sync providing me RDP without port forwarding (which was also possible in Windows Live Mesh). In some manner the RDP protocol goes through a relay which in it's turn goes through Google's talk server. Port forwarding wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for my workplace only having a 4G internet connection and the operator doesn't allow port forwarding. Recently I've had a lot of trouble with syncing in Gbridge and I knew about BTSync so I figured I'd try it out. I'm still dependent on Gbridge for RDP but one process less is always nice. But is it even possible to implement RDP the way BTSync works?