Destination folder cannot be identified. Would you like to reset ownership?


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Hi Guys,

I'm trying to add a cPanel server which contains tons of websites, i've tried to add /home and i get

Destination folder cannot be identified. Would you like to reset ownership? Clicking to continue does nothing and btSync just freezes

When i add /home/somefolder then it carries on as normal

Any ideas?


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Hmmm.. usually a "Destination folder cannot be identified. Would you like to reset ownership?" error can be produced for folders which have been previously sync'd under an older version of BitTorrent Sync and/or under a different "secret" key.

Assuming your folder has never been previously sync'd before by SyncApp/BitTorrent Sync, this is likely to be a bug. Please follow the instructions in this topic for reporting it so that it can be investigated futher.

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Actually, thinking about this a little more, cPanel does tend to add a lot of files/folders beginning with a "." character - this may well be in some way the cause of your issue with the particular folder you're trying to sync, as BitTorrent Sync also uses files/folders beginning with a period/dot/point character.

When reporting your issue, as outlined above, it may be worth also including a list of file/folder names in the root directory you're trying to add to BitTorrent Sync

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have moved from version 1.130 to 1.132 (linux 64) and:

  1. the old folders are no more visible on the web gui
  2. if I try to re-add them i get "Destination folder cannot be identified. Would you like to reset ownership?"

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I have moved from version 1.130 to 1.132 (linux 64) and:

  1. the old folders are no more visible on the web gui
  2. if I try to re-add them i get "Destination folder cannot be identified. Would you like to reset ownership?"

This error can be produced if you've upgraded from a very early version of SyncApp/BitTorrent Sync to a more recent version.

Just reset ownership, and they will be added back to BitTorrent Sync.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Please add a little more information to this dialog, as it is completely non-intuitive what the 'correct' answer for this is. I had to figure it out by searching the web. Perhaps something like this:

The destination folder you specified 'full path to folder' seems to belong to a previous installation of BitTorrent Sync. If this is the case, and you would like to transfer ownership of the folder to this version of BitTorrent Sync, choose the "reset ownership" button below. If you would like to leave the folder alone, then choose the "Cancel" button below and choose a different folder to sync.

<Reset Ownership> <Cancel>

ps - the book "About Face" has a great chapter on designing usable dialogs.

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Please add a little more information to this dialog, as it is completely non-intuitive what the 'correct' answer for this is.

Agreed. However, given that Sync has until this week only been in "alpha", the focus up to this point has been more on functionality than appearance, hence why the UI is perhaps a little sparse and perhaps not always as intuitive as it could be. I'm confident appearance/usability improvements will come in time. :)

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  • 5 months later...

Hi guys, one question if I share a master Folder A and I have subfolders inside A1 A2 A3. If I first choose to sync A, and after some minutes I decided to share A1 because I wanted to share this particular folder with another person. The problem is that at this moment I received a question "Destination folder cannot be identified. Would you like to reset ownership?"


Should I do it or this will cancel the syncing of folder A?


If this is not possible, when do you think I would be able to sync this again?


Thanks for your feedback

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