Failed to create a direct connection


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Hello Guys,

It seems that i can't establish a direct connection between two windows pc's over the internet.

I manage both firewall's and enabled portforwarding in both directions.


Default are all outgoing ports blocked on both firewalls

PC1 at work: [work wan ip]:50158

> portforward from wan to LAN ip port 50158 (source all)

> outgoing port to 19733 (and 3000) accepted (destination all)

PC2 at home: [home wan ip]:19733

> portforward from wan to LAN ip port 19733 (source all)

> outgoing port to 50158 (and 3000) accepted (destination all)

upnp is disabled on both sync clients.

I just did a succesful telnet test from home to [work wan ip] 50158.

Attached are the logs with the following options checked:

- Use relay server when required

- use tracker server

As you can see i replaced ip adresses and keys.

Is there something i am missing here?

Thanks in advanced!


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yes, they are both in the pre-defined hosts list.

when i untick the relay and tracker settings i cant get a sync at all.

A cloud icon means that i am connected trough relay, isn't it? and a double arrow stand for a direct connection?

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