Files being moved to SyncTrash / deleted by themselves


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My team has been using BTSync and absolutely love it.

Unfortunately though it keeps deleting our files entirely on its own. Someone will save something and then a few days later it's in SyncTrash. We've also had one or two files simply vanish and cannot be found in SyncTrash. It doesn't seem to be any one particular file or ones we access / Sync often, it's random.

We're not sure what causes this or how to reproduce it which is anything but helpful.

We have a total of 7 clients connected to the same folder. One of those is a VM which i've set up to backup everything hourly.

We're on all version 1.0.134 including the backup VM.

Any suggestions? Can we pay for support on this issue?


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Any suggestions?

1) Check the system time on each device is correct

2) With BitTorrent Sync not running on any devices, locate any .!Sync files, delete them, and then restart BitTorrent Sync

Can we pay for support on this issue?

BitTorrent Sync is currently an "alpha" product - paid support is not an option at this time. If your "team" is expecting paid support at this stage, then "alpha" software probably isn't right for you! However, you can obtain free support from the Sync community right here in the forums! :)

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Thank's for getting back to me!

- I checked system time on all clients. Everything is consistant. Date + Time.

- Deleted all the .!Sync files from the machines i have access to. Waiting for the last one to get back from lunch.

- I offered the paid support thing more because i absolutely love this product and want to throw money at it. Wasn't really "expecting" anything. I didn't realize it was alpha either. Sorry about that.

Should the issue be resolved (it's ok if not) or was this a step to figuring out what the issue might be?

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Should the issue be resolved (it's ok if not) or was this a step to figuring out what the issue might be?

It should, hopefully, resolve your issue, as you were able to find lots of .!Sync files... had you not found any of these I would have been at a bit more of a loss as to the cause... but hopefully if you've removed all the .!Sync files (incomplete transfers) from all devices, with BitTorrent Sync not running, then when you come to restart Sync on your devices, they should all sort themselves out and behave! theory! :)

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Do you have any PC that goes to sleep? We do have the issue that files are moved to trash when computer is woke up. There are also few bugs that were fixed. Please wait for the next build that will be released soon.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Do you have any PC that goes to sleep? We do have the issue that files are moved to trash when computer is woke up. There are also few bugs that were fixed. Please wait for the next build that will be released soon.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

I would like to chime in here. I have seen this on my Mac which goes to sleep.

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Yah. All but one of the clients are Mac's. I dont think any of them go to sleep often though.

After going through all the steps outlined above, today we're having an issue with things not synching at all it seems. This one file seems to be holding stuff up:

It looks like a temporary file for Excel. I wish there was a way to exclude Office temp files. This should def be default.

I added "~*" to the SynchIgnore file but it hasn't made a difference.

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I added "~*" to the SynchIgnore file but it hasn't made a difference.

There are a few things to bear in mind when it comes to .SyncIgnore:

1) Changes to .SyncIgnore need to be made when BitTorrent Sync isn't running

2) Changes to .SyncIgnore need to be manually made on all devices where the folder is syncing

3) Changes to .SyncIgnore may not affect previously indexed/sync'd files

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2) Changes to .SyncIgnore need to be manually made on all devices where the folder is syncing

This is not completely true. If you want the file untouched at each location, then yes you will need to change the .SyncIgnore file at each location.

But, if the file is only on one machine and you don't want it on others, you only need to add it to that machines .SyncIgnore file. For instance, I have a QNAP NAS device that adds hidden files and/or folders on some shares. I added these to the .SyncIgnore file on my NAS device to keep it from syncing them. On the ones that already synced, it removed them.

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