BTSync blocked (Windows version)


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While syncing a folder (8gb) , i realized that the process was only syncing part of the data : I only received 1gb on the other server.

On the debug log (i do not have it anymore sorry), there was some errors in regards to some files that were blocked/could not access which was indeed the case as the folder was being used by an application that sometimes writes into file with the exclusive mode (=meaning you cannot even copy the file or open it so i am sure BtSync could not access them as well). The log was showing BTSync retrying those files regularly.

The issue i have is even if a few files cannot be accessed, BTSync should not be blocked trying to process the same files again and again : in my opinion, it should continue to process all the other files and then come back to those it could not process and so one.

To sum up, if a file is blocking, record this event somewhere, continu with all the remaining files and then retry all the "failed" until they are processed properly.

Let me know should you need more information

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I just found an example of this issue in my today's log :

[2013-06-13 16:02:12] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_DEV_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\ConnectionPoolGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:12] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_SALES2_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\DatabaseReadWritesGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:12] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_DEV_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\DatabaseReadWritesGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:12] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_SALES2_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\ConnectionPoolGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Sending broadcast ping for share 5E0BBA9B33F6FD93A71FB02876AA499E1F98E5FD

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Got ping (broadcast: 1) from peer (7A74CD838E6B78AFAF24F19A5025201CB8709C47) for share 5E0BBA9B33F6FD93A71FB02876AA499E1F98E5FD

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Found peer for folder D:\_ATEO_ 7A74CD838E6B78AFAF24F19A5025201CB8709C47 direct:1

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_DEV_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\DatabaseReadWritesGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_SALES2_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\DatabaseReadWritesGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_SALES2_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\ConnectionPoolGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:13] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_DEV_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\ConnectionPoolGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Sending broadcast ping for share 5E0BBA9B33F6FD93A71FB02876AA499E1F98E5FD

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Got ping (broadcast: 1) from peer (7A74CD838E6B78AFAF24F19A5025201CB8709C47) for share 5E0BBA9B33F6FD93A71FB02876AA499E1F98E5FD

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Found peer for folder D:\_ATEO_ 7A74CD838E6B78AFAF24F19A5025201CB8709C47 direct:1

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] Incoming connection from

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_DEV_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\ConnectionPoolGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_DEV_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\DatabaseReadWritesGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_SALES2_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\DatabaseReadWritesGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:14] LoadTorrent: requesting to load file _JIRA_\_SALES2_\JIRA_DATA\monitor\ConnectionPoolGraph.rrd4j which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated

[2013-06-13 16:02:15] Sending broadcast ping for share 5E0BBA9B33F6FD93A71FB02876AA499E1F98E5FD

[2013-06-13 16:02:15] Got ping (broadcast: 1) from peer (7A74CD838E6B78AFAF24F19A5025201CB8709C47) for share 5E0BBA9B33F6FD93A71FB02876AA499E1F98E5FD

[2013-06-13 16:02:15] Found peer for folder D:\_ATEO_ 7A74CD838E6B78AFAF24F19A5025201CB8709C47 direct:1

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The problem is that you're trying to sync files that are currently open/locked by another application/process. Therefore, BitTorrent Sync won't begin to sync them until they are closed/unlocked by whichever application/process is currently working on them.

If you don't wish these files to sync, or they are always open/locked by some process, you should consider adding them to your .SyncIgnore, otherwise BitTorrent Sync will continue to attempt to access/index these files

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Those files will be released at some points during the day... BtSync should not block the entire sync process just because three files are blocked... It should continue and then keep retrying those files later...

If I have 10000 files to sync and the first 3 are blocking, I still prefer to have 9997 files sync instead of nothing !

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem sycing my appData folder to a backup server.

Indexing of the folder works fine, but transfer stops after 1 of 4 GByte.

In the posted logfile I can see, that blocked files are checked once a second.

Maybe the sync process is busy with checking blocked files once a second and has no time for syncing files when a lot of blocked files have to be checked. Another possible explanation is that all transfer slots (maybe 10) are occupied by a blocked file. In this case the 1 second interval is to low anyway.

In my log file it seems that the sync partner requests the file every second.

Even a large number of blocked files should not block the syncronisation.

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  • 8 months later...

I got the exact same error messages (requesting to load file xxx which is busy on disk - rejecting until file info is updated), over and over again for days. And it prevented my windows machine from syncing with a linux peer (linux being the readonly peer here).


I noticed though that all characters in the file were lowercase, while the error message had some uppercase characters. So renamed the files to the exact same casing as the log messageon my windows machine, and finally the sync completed.


I'm using 1.2.92 on Windows, and 1.2.91 on my ARM linux machine.

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