Does btsync compare its file system with remote server on every restart?

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Hello Everyone,

First of all I must say btsync is very good syncing tool.

I have one question: I have 2 servers which are synced using btsync they have huge filesystem. If both server disconnect due to some reason and come up again for syncing will they sync only those files which were not synced last time or first they will compare their filesystem and then it will sync what is not present on other server?

Summary: Does btsync compare file system everytime it come up for syncing after disconnection?

May be I couldn't explain my question very well but I you don't understand then I will again try to explain some other way.

Thank you

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It depends what you mean by a "disconnection"....

If Sync is still running, but the physical network connection has been disconnected, Syncing will simply resume once the connection becomes available again.

If however by "disconnected" you mean that Sync itself has been stopped and then restarted, Sync will re-scan the folders its monitoring for any changes upon startup, update its index accordingly, and then resume syncing.

So, in essence, if all devices are in sync before "disconnection", upon "reconnection", Syncing will simply resume, and files/folder that are already in sync won't be transferred all over again.

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