Desktop Btsync package for Gentoo


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Hi, I just finished writing an ebuild with full SystemD suppirt for Btsync. You may find the files here.


Also, you can find a walkthrough and documentation on how it all works here.


The ebuild also contains an attempt at init.d/udev support which I have neither written myself nor tested. If you could give me any feedback on that (preferably on the website with the tutorial) that would be awesome! 

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Great work! I also used Gentoo on all my machines but in 2006 I started to move towards Debian since there were big problems in the Gentoo community that lead to severe problems for people trying to keep their systems up and running. Interesting to see, that Gentoo is using, like Arch, systemd. Yesterday I installed my first Arch-System on a VM and I was excited about how minimalist the base system is. Very similar to Gentoo... And yesterday I started to look how systemd and the packaging system of arch is working...

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BTW: since you have conceived this as a Desktop btsync package, you may have interest also to include (or provide in a separate package) the great indicator applet written by Mark Johnson, that is included in my Debian Desktop Packages and is hosted on GitHub under the following URL:

Take a look:


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