How To Install Btsync On A Usb-Stick (Windows 7 32Bit)?


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Hi, dear helpers,


yes, I've read this topic in the inofficial faq:



How to make BitTorrent Sync "Portable"
If you wish to make BitTorrent Sync "Portable" so that you can use it on another PC without installing, and run it directly from a USB memory stick, here's how:

  • Save the BitTorrent Sync installer onto your USB memory stick, and run it from that location.
  • When the installer begins, select "Portable Mode" for the Program Location (NOTE: You will only see the "Portable Mode" option if running the installer from a USB memory stick/SD card, etc)
  • BitTorrent Sync will then be installed in "Portable Mode" to your USB memory stick/SD card!


But the installer tries to install the software on my PC not on the usb-stick. I got no choice for Portable Mode (1.2.82).


What can I do, please?





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Hmmm... ok, I've done some testing, and this would see to be a bug with the installer.


The last known version 1.2.x build where the "Portable Mode" option is available in the installer appears to be 1.2.24


For 1.1.x builds, the last known build where the "Portable Mode" option is available is 1.1.48


From what I can tell, the "Portable Mode" install option only appears to be present in builds that don't include additional translations (i.e. where the size of the Windows installer <1MB). Those builds which include the additional translations (i.e. installer size >1MB) don't have the "Portable Mode" install option! - very strange! <_<


For those who don't know what we're taking about, here's a screenshot from the 1.2.24 installer when you run it from a removable USB memory stick/SSD card:


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