Sync Seems To Massively Fragment My Hard Drive


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I recently formatted my hard drive and I used bittorrent sync to back it up.  I defragmented first and got to 0% fragmented.


After using bittorrent sync to back up my files, my hard drive went from 0% to 32% fragmented.  Is there a way to assure that this does not happen?  Any settings I can fumble with?

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You can also reduce the fragmentation of your Hard Drive caused by Sync by increasing the values of the advanced settings "recv_buf_size" and "send_buf_size" within Sync.


These are set to 5 (MB) by default, but if you increase these buffer sizes, more data will be stored in memory before subsequently being read from/written to your Hard Drive - meaning less frequent disc access, leading to less fragmentation! :)

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Does syncing many folders each with different secrets at a time make any difference?  Or will my drive be fragmented regardless if I'm only just syncing one folder or many folders?


The more Sync (or any software for that matter) reads from/writes to your hard disk, the more the disk will fragment over time.


My suggestions above will help to reduce the frequency that Sync performs disk operations.


If you're still concerned about disk fragmentation, it may be worth looking at moving away from traditional mechanical hard drives in favor of SSD drives instead.

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