Cannot Delete Files On Nas From Ios App -- What Am I Doing Wrong?


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I'm new to this forum, but I have good experience with Linux, NAS servers, and BitTorrent (including port forwarding setup, UPnP, and so on). I couldn't find anything on the Web about my issue, so I'm hoping it's just a problem on my end.

Here's the setup with all the details: I have a Synology NAS (DS214 model, ARM arch) as a centralized storage device in my home. I have created a separate btsync user with read/write access only to the folder /volume1/btsync on the NAS. I installed the latest 1.2.82 ARM build of BitTorrent Sync on the NAS using the btsync user via SSH. The user home has been edited in the /etc/passwd file to correspond to the /volume1/btsync folder I have setup for it. I then configured the application to store the auxiliary files where the binary is located, and entered my preferred credentials for the WebUI. So far so good and I can access the WebUI by entering the IP address of my NAS followed by :8888.

Now to my problem: I created a folder on the NAS inside the /volume1/btsync folder and added that folder in the WebUI as a sync folder. I then paired the Sync app on my iPhone with the QR code provided by the WebUI for full access to the sync folder. After uploading random files (a photo from the Camera Roll, an .mp3 from GoodPlayer using "Open in..." to BitTorrent Sync, etc.) I was able to see the files on the NAS and access them from my other devices. However, when I try to remove any of these files from the iPhone app by swiping on a file and selecting "Delete", nothing seems to happen. If I tap the deleted file, it simply downloads it back on the iPhone. I tried looking for an option to remove the file from the NAS itself, but I can't find that option.

Long story short (TL;DR): I can't remove files on my NAS that are synced to my iPhone via BitTorrent Sync. Is it possible to do so Yes/No? Thanks!

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The iOS BTsync client does not currently allow complete deletion of a file or folder in a share. All it does is deleting the file on the device itself.

Thank you so much for confirming this!

Is this feature expected to come in the future, does the Android client support it? What about PC or Mac clients (I don't have any computers at home to try this, as I only use an iPhone and iPad with the NAS).

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Is this feature expected to come in the future, does the Android client support it? What about PC or Mac clients (I don't have any computers at home to try this, as I only use an iPhone and iPad with the NAS).

It has been mentioned before. You can add it to the wishlist again to make the developers aware, that the feature is needed. The desktop and server versions of btsync delete the files in a share (i.e. if they are RW nodes in the share). If you delete files from the NAS they will be deleted in the shares you see on your iPad and iPhone 

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