Folder_Rescan_Interval Not Working As Expected


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I have btsync running on a HDD which I would like to spin-down after a certain period of inactivity (say 30 min). I've currently set the folder_rescan_interval to 7200 (~ 2h), but the HDD does not go into low power mode. 


After some investigation, I found out that there are a couple of files which are regularly updated by the btsync daemon every 10 min (which is strangely enough the default value of the folder_rescan_interval).

The files which are updated are:

- sync.dat 

- sync.dat.old 


which are located in the storage path configured in the btsync.conf file.

I'am running on a raspberry pi with wheezy installed:


Linux rpi 3.10.25+ #622 PREEMPT Fri Jan 3 18:41:00 GMT 2014 armv6l GNU/Linux


$ sudo dpkg --list | grep btsync
ii  btsync                                1.2.2-3                                all          Private network P2P file synchronisation daemon(s)

ii  btsync-common                         1.2.82-1                               armhf        Private network P2P file synchronisation daemon 


Is there any way to have the daemon not updating these files in the storage path directory? The goal here is to allow the HDD to spin-down.



Edited by bobi
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