Windows -> Wd Mybook Live

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So I set up all my syncs in Windows (3 different directories, one of which has over 200,000 files in it and is approx 330GB). After everything was done, I was left with three .db files in...


C:\Users\{some user}\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent Sync


I copied the same Windows directories to MyBook Live which was mounted as a drive in Windows. The idea being to 'seed' the initial sync.


I took the above mentioned .db files (one for each sync'ed directory) and put them the the .sync directory on MyBook Live. Before doing that, I updated the .db files using the Firefox SqlLite plug-in (basically opened the .db file and issued, 'update files set path = replace(path, '\', '/');' - thanks to;


Started up btsync on MyBook Live, pulled up the UI, which was (and is) very slow but eventually told me everything was synced (without the seeding it looks like it may have taken a number of months to do so).


However, in the web UI, it still says the 330GB directory is indexing (on MyBook Live), yet I see no change in the size of the associated .db (the one brought over from Windows), .db-shm or .db-wal files (even though, on the latter two, the timestamp does get updated). Actually, on all the .db-shm files, the length is the same; 32768.


Given that I have ssh access to MyBook Live, from the command line, how can I tell that indexing is going on and how do I tell how much longer its going to go on for (ps -ef, naturally, does not give me this information)


Also, can btsync 'chew gum and walk at the same time', i.e. can it sync one directory and index another at the same time or does this have to happen consecutively.


As this is effectively a one way sync, from Windows to MyBook Live, I assume that on the MyBook Live instance, I should not even have to index and can therefore set folder_rescan_interval to its maximum amount.






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In addition, on MyBook Live, when I look at the CPU usage for btsync, it's < 10%. As I've disabled every other service (Twonky, Media Crawler, Apache) so the entire CPU can now be dedicated to btsync for indexing, what gives?


P. S. How do I edit the subject line of this topic to include 'indexing' and 'seeding'?

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