Btsync From Behind Firewall?

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I have a firewall that I'm not in control of that's not permitting me to btsync with.  What are the normal solutions to this (aside from finding a network administrator and bribing them with flattery? :))?


The only thing I can think of involves socat and ssh tunnels, but i'm hoping something simpler is available.

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Guest proactiveservices

Sync folders have "relaying" enabled by default, where intermediate systems are used to transfer files. The nature of these systems is not described, other than they're BitTorrent, Inc's systems.

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It depends on what is blocked. If outgoing traffic to port 3000 and other random ports are allowed AND other peer(s) can map ports with UPnP/PMP for NATs the peers should be able to connect. 



The connection thru relay server is extremely slow. Also, it goes thru port 3000 and if FW blocks outgoing connection to, say, all non-web ports - it won't work.

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Well, it depends on what do you mean under "ports closed". Majority of firewalls by default close only incoming connections. If incoming connections are closed on both peers they won't be able to establish a direct connection - and they'll try to connect thru relay server (yes, BitTorrent server) which is rather slow and is indicated with "cloud" icon in devices tab.


If any of 2 peers has incoming connections allowed - peers will make a direct connection.

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