System Tray Notification Does Not Go Away


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It doesn't look to be BTSync issue. We just ask OS to show notification ballon and how long to show it (10 seconds in Sync case), the rest is handled by OS. Just note that balloon timeout starts to be counted down only when you press a key / move a mouse.


BTW, are you using any remote administration tool? They might emulate mouse movements / keystrokes differently.

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It asks once per notification it wants to show. Is it a VM? If yes - can I get the image for repro? Issue does not reproduce in my lab.


Interesting.  Thanks.


It's not a VM.


Does Windows queue up notifications?  IOW, if BTSync, is sending too many notifications (and too fast), will Windows display the notification for a longer period of time?


For example, if you ask Windows to display a notification 'Hello World' 50 times in 10 seconds, will the notification last longer than if you had asked for the name notification to be displayed just once?


I'm trying to think of possible reasons why this problem might exist with BTSync, but no other applications.

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