Need Help To Solve / Improve Simple 3+1 Scenario


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I am stuggling with this problem this evening and the solution I've found looks for me not smart, not elegant.

There are PC1, PC2 and PC3 and a little Linux machine working non stop. I want all that three PCs have the same Desktop, dynamically changing. I mean if any user of any PC will put / delete something in his Desktop - all other users of other PCs will get this change on their Desktops each other.

More of it, I want the Linux machine to be the "central storage"  and "central Desktops backup" for all that PCs (as it is working non stop).


So I start with PC1, I set the Sync app to sync its Desktop folder with a folder on Linux Machine. Till now everything works right way. But then, on PC2 when I try to sync its Desktop folder to the same folder on Linux machine - Sync says to me, that it is impossible (as that folder on Linux is already synced)...


Then, I get other solution for PC2 and PC3. I just go to Linux machine and I click on "Share" in its Sync web GUI on that folder which is paired with PC1. Then I go to Sync app on PC2 and just add that shared key from Linux. 

I have to do similar with PC3, and it seems to work... but this "chain of links" method looks not smart. I am not sure if it will work in every situation (for example if one of PCs will have a problem). 


Is there any more elegant and 100% working solution for scenario like this?


Thanks in advance for any answer :-)


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The issue is most likely due to you trying to sync the "Desktop" folder itself.


To check, have you tried the exact same setup but using a different, non-system/non-user-specific folder (i.e. C:\test), and see if that sync's correctly between all your devices?


If so, that would be a better solution - syncing an arbitrary folder between your devices, and just putting a shortcut to it on the desktop of your three PC's rather than trying to sync the "Desktop" folder itself.

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Sorry if I am reading this wrong but it sounds like you are trying to re-share the desktop folder on the Linux Machine to sync it with PC and PC3 which is not what you want to do.  Basically your process should go like this:


1) Go to the Linux Machine, share the folder and generate a read/write key

2) Go to PC1 select add a folder and input the r/w key and then select folder you want to sync

3) Go to PC2 select add a folder and input the r/w key and then select folder you want to sync

4) Go to PC3 select add a folder and input the r/w key and then select folder you want to sync


Basically once you have the key from your initial source you are done with machine.  All you do is take that key to the other PC that you want to sync.

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Sorry if I am reading this wrong but it sounds like you are trying to re-share the desktop folder on the Linux Machine to sync it with PC and PC3 which is not what you want to do.  Basically your process should go like this:


1) Go to the Linux Machine, share the folder and generate a read/write key

2) Go to PC1 select add a folder and input the r/w key and then select folder you want to sync

3) Go to PC2 select add a folder and input the r/w key and then select folder you want to sync

4) Go to PC3 select add a folder and input the r/w key and then select folder you want to sync


Basically once you have the key from your initial source you are done with machine.  All you do is take that key to the other PC that you want to sync.

Well, that's what I need :-)

This solution at first look for me was uncertain. The "base" folder on Linux, which have to be the central point of synchronization is empty initially, so I didn't think to start shaing starting from it. But in fact, after setting the sharing Linux folder with first PC made it began to fill with files :-)

Thanks a lot!

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  • 4 months later...

Unfortunately this scenario is not possible;e in 2.0 ...

There is no way to set the folder path when I share a link, Sync makes the path only using the default folder.

Once I add a folder C:\documents and...\users1\desktop to my profile - it automatically is shared on other devices BUT with no way to give destination folder...


Will it change?

Other way to resolve?

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