Bittorrent Sync Not Finishing Syncing

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So right now I have two Windows 7 64bit peers setup in my house. Both running BitTorrent Sync 2.0.85 on a folder that is supposed to be 216 GB. Or at least, one peer has a folder that is 216 GB and the other is only 200 GB. Under the status for both peers, it is completely blank and both say "Peers online: 1 of 1". Under the peer list, one says, "11,642 files to..." and the other 15,432. Both are owner rank. Here are the log files for both below. Any way to force sync between them? I restarted both but still no luck. Thanks!





Machine 1:


Machine 2:




Thank you so much if you can help me!


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Same problem here after 3 days, I am now trying to recreate the folder in BTS and relinking the devices now. I'll update my post on what's happening once everything is indexed.


EDIT: After deleting the folder on both devices and adding it back again, it seems to sync fully now. Hopefully I won't have any more problems!

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I have same problem, difference is that I sync files from Windows 7 32bit PC to Android 4.4.2 device. I tried restarting sync on both devices and deleting folder and adding it again but problem persists. I eliminated possibilities from unofficial FAQ Sync isn't completing - not all my files are synced / file counts don't match! section. I also synced other folders before with no problems.


While I tried removing and adding folder a few times and I noticed that always writes '445 files to' but not same folders are synced with my Android device. Seems like I have some files/folder limit, is that possible?


Here is log from my PC:
I do not know how to get to logs on Android.


I use :

  • Pro trial - 2.0.85 on PC
  • 2.0.80 on Android

Software is great btw, very useful, keep on :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same problem when trying to sync a folder in a MacOS X Yosemite with a Ubuntu 15.04 machine (both running Btsync Pro trial 2.0.105). The log file is full of lines with "TorrentFile: Failed to create empty suffix for file "ABC.pdf" - 22". Any help would be much appreciated.

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Failed to create empty suffix for file - means that the receiving side was not able to start downloading file ABC.pdf due to error 22 - invalid argument. Some parameter in the file is not good, whether its name, structure, date, etc. 

Do you see anything like 'failed to verify signature" or "failed to verify group signature" in the log?

Try renaming the file and re-adding the file to the folder on the source peer.

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