Help, I've Upgraded And I Can't Get Up


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Hi. I use to use BTSync 1.4, wasn't perfect, but I finally got into the groove and it generally synced things despite leaving a few orphaned files. I decided that I'd finally move to the 2.0 and hope that everything is fixed.


I switch to BTSync 2.0, I can't find the "view keys" options. I can't find the official documentation, so I'm here on the forum. It looks like the "view keys" option has disappeared. how does one share a folder when there is no internet in the lab? I use to use the "view keys" option in 1.4, and copy/paste the RO or RW keys.


Help. I've upgraded, and I can't get up.

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  • 5 months later...

dd6905, do you mean that you want to view key for certain folder or you want to see keys for all folders?

For 2.0+ versions you can right-click on the shared folder, choose "Preferences" and click on the "View key" option then you will see all available keys.

If you open Sync Settings => Advanced and activate "Show "Copy key"" option then you'll be able to copy read-only or read-write keys after right-clicking on certain shared folder.


Please note, that you can use keys only for 1.4 folders (1.4 digits on the folder icon). To add 1.4 folder hold "Shift" while clicking on the "Add folder" button.


The official documentation with screenshots and FAQS located here.


When there is no internet connection, Sync tries to search all available peers in LAN. So you can share folder via link, key or QR-code.


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