[Solved] Files Locked, Log Says "file Exists, But Failed To Get Mtime 13"


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I have a folder I am sharing with some peers. I added several files (copied them into the folder), and all went well.


The syncing completed, but I get a message that 8 files were locked. Those files has not been opened or edited after I copied them into the folder. When I checked the logfiles, I saw these lines:

[20150316 18:22:14.264] FC[FBE6]: LoadTorrent: file /opt/[removed]/Årsmelding 2012.pdf exists, but failed to get mtime 13[20150316 18:22:14.275] FC[FBE6]: LoadTorrent: file /opt/[removed]/Årsoppgjør 2012.pdf exists, but failed to get mtime 13[20150316 18:22:14.286] FC[FBE6]: LoadTorrent: file /opt/[removed]/Årsoppgjør 2013.pdf exists, but failed to get mtime 13

Is this a bug, or is it something I can do to fix it?


I use btsync 1.4.1 on a Ubuntu 14.04 server (64 bit)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I still have this problem, and when I add more files to my directories, some of them get locked, for some reason. After turning on debugging, this is stated in the sync.log:

[20150415 17:32:34.866] FC[68EE]: load torrent request, will try to load torrent for file "/opt/exports/nfs/home/sitron/Pictures/Sortert/2015.04.03 - Portretter i Hundehallen/Public/Primus/Stående_Web/Primus_Stående_Svart_Hvit.jpg"[20150415 17:32:34.866] JOURNAL[68EE]: LoadTorrent: file /opt/exports/nfs/home/sitron/Pictures/Sortert/2015.04.03 - Portretter i Hundehallen/Public/Primus/Stående_Web/Primus_Stående_Svart_Hvit.jpg exists, but failed to get mtime 13[20150415 17:32:34.867] Disconnect: No such torrent:[20150415 17:32:34.873] FC[68EE]: load torrent request, will try to load torrent for file "/opt/exports/nfs/home/sitron/Pictures/Sortert/2015.04.03 - Portretter i Hundehallen/Public/Primus/Stående_Web/Primus_Stående_Svart_Primusfarger.jpg"[20150415 17:32:34.873] JOURNAL[68EE]: LoadTorrent: file /opt/exports/nfs/home/sitron/Pictures/Sortert/2015.04.03 - Portretter i Hundehallen/Public/Primus/Stående_Web/Primus_Stående_Svart_Primusfarger.jpg exists, but failed to get mtime 13[20150415 17:32:34.874] Disconnect: No such torrent:

What can I do to fix this?


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Some more (useful?) info:

- I am running btsync 2.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server (64 bit).

- Rebooting the server or restarting btsync does not help.

- I have verified (with lsof) that the files are not opened by any other programs.

- I have deleted some of the "locked" files, and the file is removed from the filesystem. However, btsync still says the files exists (it does not), but it failed to get mtime 13

- All of the files (both locked and unlocked files) have been copied from an Dropbox-folder


I assume this is a bug, and this is a sufficient bug-report? I have no problem doing some tests or whatnot, just let me know!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there an other way to post a bug, like a bug-tracking-system?


Yes - Open a support ticket and reference your thread here (please note, when opening a ticket priority is given in the first instance to users of Sync Pro).


However, before you do, you may like to consider "touching" the files in question to update their mtimes to see if this resolves your issue first.

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The reason for this error was a problem with permissions:

After btsync had indexed the directories and files, the permission on the parent folder was changed, excluding btsync with any permission.


Since btsync could not read the contents of the directory, it could not read the file, nor discover it was changed or even deleted.

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