Help Syncing 2 Folders In Different Locations. Rather Than The Default Btsync Location.

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on Computer_A I have a folder in:



I want to sync Johns folder with the following location, on Computer_B:



on Computer_C the locations is:



Whenever I try to sync to /users/John/Library/colors/ it syncs to the default Bitorrent Sync folder (/Users/Mary/Bitorrent Sync/).  I would like to choose where the sync goes to.


How do I setup syncing a shared folder to a specific location?

I don't want to sync all the folders in /users/John/Library/ or /usersMary/Library/

just the /users/UserName/Library/colors/ folder



Edited by rootscript
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GreatMarko, on Windows (v2.0.120) there is no way to change mode to 'Disconnected'! Right-click folder menu gives just an option to 'Remove' the folder, which does exactly that. Moreover, folders (which originally located on another mac) show up as disconnected (dotted icons) only when I remove all the folders from the list and buttons 'Connect' appear. But then it doesn't work the way I expected it to work. Please see my post (unanswered):

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GreatMarko, on Windows (v2.0.120) there is no way to change mode to 'Disconnected'! Right-click folder menu gives just an option to 'Remove' the folder, which does exactly that.


You change your device's Folder Synchronization Mode setting to "Disconnected" mode via "My Devices" - it's not a "per folder" mode, it's a global mode for that particular device, which is why you'll find it under My Devices.

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Here is how it works in a little more detail for Mac Os X Yosemite users:
[01] On my WD My Cloud EX2 (Nas) make a folder called Colors & add it to the BTsync via the http://pcloud.local:8888/gui/index.html web iterface.
[02] on the Mac computer_1 the 'Colors' share will appear in the default btsync folder.  right click and disconnect.
[03] on thw Mac cumputer_1 press connect  on Colors folder (via the BitTorrent Sync App) & choose a  location to sync to.  This new location is ~/Library - btsync will try to create the folder called 'Colors', but will tell you it already exists & gives you an option to keep the contents.
[04] rinse & repeat steps [02 + [03] on Mac computer_2
It appears to work fine, after some shorts tests.


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But... This doesn't work.  Step 2 - Right clicking just gives the "Remove" option, not Disconnect.  My computer device is already in Disconnect mode... seems to always be in that mode since I picked it during the first setup... so I have to initially Connect each folder... which is fine... But I can never Disconnect it, only Remove.  Pretty frustrating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You change your device's Folder Synchronization Mode setting to "Disconnected" mode via "My Devices" - it's not a "per folder" mode, it's a global mode for that particular device, which is why you'll find it under My Devices.


GreatMarko, so yes, I was able to disconnect my current device. But this doesn't let me change any path per folder. I can change the 'default folder location' for this particular device, which changes paths for all the folders associated with my account. I thought that was the whole point and 'uber-dropbox' feature to be able to sync any folder on one device with any folder (in any location) on another device. And BT Sync did that until now. Or am I getting/doing something wrong?


This is really frustrating, I can't use BT Sync with a such feature-cut release, because in my case, for example, some folders are located even on different drives and so it must remain. 

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