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I used 2.2 for a short time, then upgraded to 2.3 for the service feature. I did a complete uninstall of 2.2 before installing 2.3. I'm using Win7 and Win10. It seemed to install successfully, but when I try to open the BitTorrent Sync Service desktop shortcut, My browser opens, shows in the address bar, and displays: "This webpage is not available ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". I'm using Chrome on Win10. I tried pasting the address into IE on Win10, but similar result. Same result on a different PC with Win7 with Chrome and IE. I searched http://sync-help.bittorrent.com/ and found "Sync doesn't start when opening Link in browser", which says:

Check registry keys: 
Your PC should have these two keys: 
1. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\btsync\shell\open\command "C:\Program Files\BitTorrent Sync\BTSync.exe" /ADDURL "%1" (ot it'll be C:\Program Files (x86)\ path, depending on your PC specs)
2. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\btsync\DefaultIcon ""C:\Program Files\BitTorrent Sync\BTSync.exe" /ADDURL,0"

My Win10 PC doesn't have btsync, but it does have btskey.

I also tried ping, which was successful.

There isn't a BitTorrent or Sync folder in "All Apps" nor in Program Files, so I don't know how to get the log files.



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sync-help.bittorrent.com relates to Sync 1.4, and is not applicable to Sync 2.x. Please use help.getsync.com instead.

You'll need to either install Sync as a Windows service is you want to be able to access the UI in your browser, or you'll need to run the executable with the /WEBURL command line switch.

Please see: http://help.getsync.com/hc/en-us/articles/205506359-Is-there-a-Command-Line-Interface-CLI-for-Sync-2-x-on-Windows-

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