Files never completely sync onto External SD on Android


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I'm trying to sync my music from my computer to my phone. Previously this worked when I synced to internal storage but I need the space so I switched it to external SD (Marshmallow 6.0). I have all the read/write permissions set up properly and I am rooted, but the receiving speeds fluctuate from 3 MB/s to 2 kb/s so I can't just wait this out as it would take ridiculously long.

Also, the blue loading bar on the files never actually fill, they stop at 99% and discontinue any progress before moving onto another file. and when I browse the folder, they are still .bts files:

Is BT Sync just entirely incapable of properly writing to external SD cards?

Edited by nandayu
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Does syncing work for you on internal storage? Neither have worked for me since upgrading to the latest version of Sync; I am convinced that there is a serious bug. 

>Add folder to Android app.

>Start downloading.

>Bandwidth rises and then drops until the download stops.

>App thinks files are synced even though they are non-existent or only partially downloaded.

>Exit and re-enter app. App says there is a database error with the folder.

>Try to remove folder from Sync, but any folder or file remains there; nothing is removed.


(It does manage to work on folders with only one or two image files, though...)

Edited by Megalith
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