Encrypted folder clarification


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is there any page detailing about the exact differences and limitations on encrypted folders? UI wise I can see no reason not to pick encrypted folder instead of standard folders every time. Also encrypted folders are displayed as "Standard folder", but offer an encrypted key, which adds to the confusion. So why would I avoid encrypted folders at all?

PS: Would it be possible to add "Copy Encrypted key" option in the three-dot-context menu?

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Let's say I have three computers running BTSync. Two have folders that are not encrypted and one folder that is encrypted. The two computers with the unencrypted folders have catastrophic HDD failure. 

How does one get access to the encrypted folder contents? 

Should we save the key in a secure place (thumb drive or some other method)?

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  • 7 months later...

"Standard folders" are only Encrypted once during transfer, and a RW/RO key is enough to decrypt the data fully. However, "Encrypted folders" are encrypted twice during transfer, increasing CPU & memory usage (I would like to see some benchmarks). The RW/RO key it that case are capable of decrypting both encryption layers, but the "Encrypted key" are only capable of decrypting the first layer. Although they can not read the data, they are fully capable of encrypting it once and sending the data back to the nodes with the RW/RO keys, which can then decrypt both layers.

Read more at: http://blog.bittorrent.com/2016/01/21/understanding-the-sync-encrypted-folder/

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