Change/modify Default folder for different devices


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Hello everyone. I just started to play with sync and I wanted to ask for advice on the right way to perform the following task.

I have a phone and tablet. Both have the same android version 5.0 and they share manufacturer so the folder treeis practically the same.

For example I want to sync in both devices the /DCIM/ folders where I have store some photos. I "create" new folders in the android app to link these folders to my desktop and now I have:



 It is not really annoying but I wonder if it could be possible to change this to somewhat like:



From what I have been reading so far in both windows and android devices you can link a given number of folders in one device and all these folders will go to the default folder in your other device.

My issue is if you have more than two, devices how can you handle change individually the default target folder to keep it more organized and to avoid conflicts (well I think there are not conflicts because sync will add (number) to your folder).

My apologies if I wasn't clear enough.

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If this is a backup from the phone, Sync on PC will indeed automatically connect it in default folder. You can rename or move it win Windows Explorer. Note, that you can move it only within one drive. To change location to another drive - you need to disconnect and reconnect it. 

If this is just a sync folder, then you should have been prompted for folder location when connecting it on PC. 

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