Random Sync Crashes


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I'm brand spanking new to Sync so pardon my relative ignorance. I'm can't get it to work consistently. It's set to run on startup and appears to do it. But if I go to 'hidden icons' in Windows 7 the Sync icon is there but disappears when I go to click on it and Task Manager is not showing it running. If I then launch it again it will be up and running for 5 minutes before apparently crashing again. Most of the time I don't get any crash or error message. It just disappears. Just now it crashed and I got a message saying "BitTorrent Sync has crashed. Unable to generate crash dump. Reason: Unknown."


My basic specs:

Win 7 Professional x64 (on both machines I'm trying to sync)

BitTorrent Sync v 2.3.2  


Anybody with any ideas where I'd start with fixing this?

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