Slow download troubleshooting


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Whats the best way to narrow down whats causing slow download speeds? I have a 100up 100down on each side and on the downloading side in the same network can get the full 10 megabytes or 100 megabits down on one computer while another computer on the same network sees maybe 800k and I've tried disabling the firewall on it also with no change. 

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badincite, how many files do you have in your folders? For 1 big file transfer speed should be higher than for many small files if size is the same.

We have this article explaining how to improve transfer speed. You can open Task manager/System Monitor and check disk read speed. If it is 99-100% then Sync won't be able to transfer files faster because of hardware/OS limitations. Another thing might be related - do you see "indexing" text on that folder during transfers?

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Its one folder with one 1gb file in it I created for testing. I can sync that file down on the same network on my laptop at full speed on my server 2008 system it syncs at 800k. The disk usage is very low on the server. I am going to attempt a uninstall and reinstall right now I cant get the logs to update to see whats going on.

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