iOS APP gets slow/stucked while linked to a large directory.


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I am using sync on my iPhone. It works well at most of time. But when I try to connect to a directory which contains lots of files, the APP gets very slow. It takes very long time to give a response to my action. And after I disconnect that directory, everything gets  well. Is it related with the rescan interval ?  Please fix this issue. Thanks!

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@Helen,15+GB,about 3000 files, about 20 users. I have set Selective Sync On.

Usually, it takes 1-2 seconds to give me a response after I touched the screen(at best), or more than 5 seconds( at worst).

It is public, if you want to try( B4TDKK7OLYBW7OAG3ILYLQPLFK3QSTAS4 ). By the way, I also have other directories. They may have some influence, but not as much at this one. 

My device:

iPhone6s, iOS9.3.3 Beta2


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