Moving a Synced Folder on Windows 10


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I have just completed a rather large sync setup (several hundred gigs in 5 shared folders) and am now realizing the folders that I used should be in a different path on the machine in Question. On my Mac (Pro License) - no Problem. Drag, drop, done. On that Windows 10 machine (Free License) - no can do. I followed the instructions in this help-article

But it doesn't work. If I rename a folder Sync 2.4 will not pic up on the change. I cannot open the folder in sync by clicking on the name of the share and it doesn't sync anything but it also doesn't give out a warning "folder disappeared" or similar. It just sits there and waits. If I mouse over the share in the Resilio Interface it shows me the old path after a second of waiting.

If I move the folder back to the original location everything is peachy again.

What can I do? If I remove the folder in the Resilio App, move the folder in Explorer, Connect to the Folder again and point to the not emtpy path I get a warning that the folder ist not emtpy and I am a bit worried what will happen after that.

Is there maybe a hidden text-file where I can change the path name?

Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,


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Hm, no problems on my Win10. Did you try restarting Sync after renaming and moving? 

On 10/3/2016 at 3:16 PM, Napper said:

I get a warning that the folder ist not emtpy and I am a bit worried what will happen after that.

Nothing will happen. Sync will just rescan the files. Go ahead and add it. 

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