[2.6.4] Disconnecting a folder on Android


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When I disconnect a folder on Android, it will get removed from the synced folder list completely and I will no longer able to reconnect it later (unlike on the desktop).

To re-add it, I will have to add it again from another device, but this also means, it will be removed and re-added on all synced devices with the same identity.


Is this behavior on purpose?

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I just disconnected some folders again because they were not syncing anymore correctly. There are always some files which cannot be updated anymore. So I tried to reconnect these folders.

I click on disconnect on the Phone and the folders get removed completely from my list. Is this really the intended behavior? Shouldn't they go to disconnected state instead?

Re-adding the folder will now cause a Folder (1) creation on all devices with the same identity and a complete resync will be required.

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Doe you use a lisenced Version? If yes, you have the possibility to connect to your Master device and you get a list of possible peers to connect. If there is no list, there is no Master connection.


The second issue with (1) is normal. Only delete this ending and connect.

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10 minutes ago, Andy+ said:

Doe you use a lisenced Version? If yes, you have the possibility to connect to your Master device and you get a list of possible peers to connect. If there is no list, there is no Master connection.


The second issue with (1) is normal. Only delete this ending and connect.

I use a licensed version, however I'm using a separate identity for my mobile devices. I have a ton of data in my main identity and for most of it I don't want it to be accessible from insecure/mobile devices. Especially when there never is a need to access it from these devices.

I know that the (1) thing is normal. But what's leading to it isn't in my opinion.

Only deleting on one ending is exactly what I want to do, but this is what isn't working for me. I disconnect on one device and the folder gets completely removed from this identity instead, therefore syncing this change to all other devices.

Edited by Mouserider
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