[Solved] Blank UI on Windows 10


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I am using Resilio Sync Pro on a Windows 10 PC in part to backup files to a Windows 10 PC in another location on my property. It has worked well in the past. I just upgraded the remote PC to a more powerful one. Everything was working. Now When I open the GUI interface and it is blank. The program still syncs (l checked with test files) but I cannot access the interface.

What do I have to do to see the interface?

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Support assisted me with my problem. They gave 2 suggestions.

1. Make sure that IE is enabled in Windows features. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/developer/browsers/installation/disable-internet-explorer-windows

2. Try disabling GPU rendering. In Registry editor delete SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_GPU_RENDERING\Resilio Sync.exe keys both from HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Reboot PC. 


I foundI E was already enabled

When I deleted SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_GPU_RENDERING\Resilio Sync.exe  from HKEY_CURRENT_USER the GUI was visible.


Everything is now working.

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  • Helen changed the title to [Solved] Blank UI on Windows 10

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