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  1. Obviously the space limitation is a big one but it doesn't have to be an either or. Simply add the functionality like drop box to only download when you click on it and also add the option to make it full sync. The option to sync only on wifi is a no brainer... Doing this on individual folders would be even better. So I could setup a folder for my tablet and pc which I only want to full sync at home as more of a means to transfer files to my tablet wirelessly. I assume it is going to have a launcher and GUI, will this be used as the main way to interact eg, you get a file view of the folder or mainly as a way to change settings etc.. I don't think you really need the file view this can be taken care of with explorer apps as it is on the desktop. Thus I guess the bulk of the app will be as a service, giving other apps access to the service's functions would be useful. I don't think there is really a lot of out of the box thinking you can add to the mobile version of this app is there? Features: Add to the "share" list so you can click on a file or whatever from another app and share it out to sync - Maybe this could be used for even stuff like contacts, emails, texts... I dunno.. Write them to a file in the sync folder... or that could be handled by the 3rd party app dev. Talk to the Titanium backup crew about adding "backup to sync" QR/NFC as suggested by thunder is a great idea, I guess sharing via, text,email would be nice as well. Option to sync only at set times of the day I like the idea of setting up uTorrent to use one of the sync folders as it's autoload torrents from folder. Not sure how useful this would be the otherway.. eg autoload Bittorrent on mobile.