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  1. BTSync 1.3 really felt like: I am in control. 1.4 feels like I am bossed around by some fishy software. From Android, I cannot even get the clear Key / Secret any more. Only a mysterious Link.. The Android "thing" cannot be called "Beta" I cannot remember how often I entered the Data to create a Certificate, which "can only be entered once". The new GUI has sooo many mistakes.. Here just one: The new feature, the "Fingerprint" (Windows), "Certificate" on Android (Later: "Certficate fingerprint"), is not working/ implemented on the NAS version. And between the Android and the PC, i have given up trying. I was really happy with BTSync 1.3.x Now the Update of the Android Version tricked me with all its bugs into upgrading all the other Pcs and NASs.. Looking at the chaos makes me hoping for two things: - Big improvements in 1.5 (You can do it, you already proved that!) - No Harddrive crash until i find another (intermediate?!?) solution.
  2. For many users, the encrypted read-only syncing i a good way of backing up data on an untrusted loacation. If you accidently delete a file and the deletion is synced (happens quite fast!), its gone forever. Even if any encrypted file is retrieved via FTP (or any other way) from the Encrypted-only (F..) peer and you have all the Keys, it still cannot be decrypted. So, any virus / mistaken deletion is fatal. Also the use of the version history is not meant to be used with encrypted-only (F..) Peers. My scenario would be kind of a "TimeMachine" backup of the (F..)peer folder onto another HDD. But if i only store undecryptable material.... For more information: Thank you for consideration.
  3. Plus One. I would like to use that feature, too. Pictures from Smartphone to PC. (Similar to DropBox)
  4. @RomanZ: I think i read this somewhere before. Is there any way to store/backup the Metadata from the Encrypted Peer? Can you elaborate more, what the Metadata contains? Is this file specific or per Peer? If i have all of this information, is there a decrypter available? I understand, Thank you. I will. I have.
  5. @RomanZ, Thank you for your explanation. So, if i have retrieved any encrypted file via FTP (or any other way) from the Encrypted-only (F..) peer and i have all the Keys, i still cannot decrypt it? Why does BTSync than even keep the encrypted files in .syncArchive? If so, any virus / mistaken deletion is fatal. Also the use of the version history is not meant to be used with encrypted-only (F..) Peers. My scenario would be kind of a "TimeMachine" backup of the (F..)peer folder onto another HDD. But if i only store undecryptable material....
  6. I am trying to figure out, how i could restore some of my data. My setup: I have two machines: Machine A with D***** Key and the Read Only Encryption Key E********** Machine B with only the shortened Read Only Encryption Key F**** The use of machine A is mainly work, machine B is for backup purposes only. I understand that if machine A is fails, with the use of code D***** and a brandnew machine C, everything just starts downloading and decrypting. So far so good. But what if a file is accidentally deleted on A? Can the .syncArchive be accessed over the BitTorrentSync app somehow? Even if one finds the encrypted file in machine B, how can it be decrypted? (The searching might be tough, though) Thanks for any inputs.