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  1. I installed the same version of resilio-sync on two fedora workstations following this page: When I connect these two computers on a standard directory, they are not connected to each others "no peer online -- 0 of 0". In fact I can see a warning message in the Web UI configuration page : "Connection settings overwritten by config". I don't know what this message means. My configuration file loaded by the rslsync is located in ~/.config/resilio-sync/config.json and its content looks like: { "storage_path" : "~/.config/resilio-sync/storage", "pid_file" : "~/.config/resilio-sync/", "webui" : { "force_https": true, "listen" : "" } I checked the troubleshooting procedure: my connection allow TCP and UDP packets, .... and I can't find out what the problem could be. Note that I have been using Resilio since 3 years without any problem.